Ch. 6: Stay in Character

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It's midweek, and Jack is wrapping up his essay before his roommate comes back so he can hang out with friends without pulling an all-nighter. A knock on the door confused him, but he got up to open it anyway. Maybe Mark left his keys or something...

But when he opened it, he's looking down at blonde waves and small shoulders instead. He deflated a little.

"Hey, Amy," he says. She greeted him back, and he only hesitated for a second before manners kick in. Besides, he's not petty. He held the door open wider. "Mark's not here, but you can come in if you want to wait for him." She thanked him and squeezed by. "Wouldja like a soda or anything?"

"A water would be great, please," she said, and folded neatly into Mark's desk chair. He got her a glass and some ice water, and when he returned, she had twisted around to study the titles of the textbooks on Mark's desk. He handed her the drink and she thanked him and sipped.

Jack had thought she was going to meet them at their friends' apartment, not here. He resigned himself to an awkward however-long-the-wait and sat at his own desk, staring blankly at the monitor, when she noticed one of the stickers on his laptop and hummed thoughtfully. "You like Creature Feature?"

He looked her way and she immediately covered her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry, you're busy. I didn't mean to blurt out."

He shook his head and said, "No, that's...fine." He closed his laptop and left his hand resting on it. "You know the band? What's your favorite song?"

"I'm torn between The House of Myth and Buried Alive. I mean, that's a hell of a video." Her eyes glittered. It was strange to hear someone talk in person about a horror-themed band he'd only seen online. "What's yours?"

He thought of one song about a relentless killer and bared all his teeth in a wicked smile. "Bad Blood."

She shivered with a delightful grin. "You're way too good at that. Do you have some sort of past I need to know about? Should I scream now or later?"

"Worry more about Mark than yourself," Jack said, twisting his smile and his head at a sinister angle. "He has to sleep here, after all."

She leaned back with a laugh, slapping her thigh. "That's it, you HAVE to come to this Halloween party next month. It's at my friend Suzy's house. You'll be a hit."

He broke the act to smile genuinely. "I know a Suzy! Tattoos, artsy lass. She's dating Arin, right? Yeah, he's my friend. Lives down the hall!"

"That settles it then!" she beamed. "You're invited from all directions."

"Sounds great; I'd like that," he said, and was surprised to find he meant it.

The doorknob turned and Mark pushed in, catching sight of both people in the room in surprise. Sloppily dropped his bag, he held out his hand to Amy in a flourish. "Mi Amelia! La famiglia! Are you ready?!"

Her smile widened as she tucked her hand into his, and he pulled her up out of her seat. He held their hands high and spun himself under her arm instead, making her throw her head back and laugh.

And Jack, a lump forming in his throat, picked up his keys to keep his hands from feeling so empty.


The trio walked lined up across the sidewalk. Mark's arm was around Amy, but at least they never booted him off into the grass. Jack chomped down hard on his lip. Stop it. They're both being perfectly civil to you.

But he was pulled from his reprimanding, literally, when Mark grabbed his shirt to yank him closer, and looped his heavy arm over Jack's shoulder too. A small smile bloomed on his face before he could help it. It made walking almost impossible, a lopsided, four-legged race, but it made him feel better. Included. Wanted.

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