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One day when I woke up and I looked out my window and I saw my aunt and my uncle and they were feeding the chickens then I wondered is there anything else in my life than a farm. Then my aunt looked up and said “are you awake Ashley?” Then after that I knew she saw me so I got dressed and went outside and said “can we go on a family trip to the Bermuda Triangle?” She said “um I don’t know me and your uncle with have to talk this through. Help us feed the animals, start with the horses "OK I said.” That night I overheard them talking about trip and then I wanted to scream! Uncle John said yes I was so happy. The next morning Uncle John told me then I pretended I didn’t know. He told me we were going today so I ran upstairs got all my stuff and then when I was in the hall way I saw a picture of my parents and I thought to myself they would like to come on the trip, but we don’t know where they went. We got to the dock because we were traveling by boat. We got on the boat but it was kind a small, but at least the boat had a roof. When we got around the middle of the ocean there was a really bad storm that hit I was a little scared because we were in the middle of nowhere. There was a lot of thunder and lighting  and the lighting hit our boat. The boat blew up but we were OK but then there was this whirlpool in the ocean we all went in to the whirlpool. I woke up and I was on a beach good thing we were all alive. Then when we were walking around trying to find somewhere for shelter then I found a cave then I shouted “ Uncle John I found a cave.” Then we started walking in the cave and it led to this hole other world! After walking around a lot we found this really big chipmunk! When I saw it I knew we had to run because chipmunks are really fast and imagine a really big one running after you! We ran so fast but then I tripped on this really big stick and the giant chipmunk was going to eat me, but then I thought I wonder what a giant chipmunk looks like in the inside. Then I got back on track and my line was to scream soooooooo I did. Then this big log came flying down and I said to myself where the heck did that come from? Then I saw this lady and this guy they were laughing when they watched the giant chipmunk run, just like my parents would. So we went over to thank them and told them how we got here and they said we could stay with them until we got a way to get out of this place. When we got to where they live we asked them some questions, but Uncle John asked like fifty million. Then after most of our questions were answered we ate dinner. After dinner they showed us a picture of their little girl. They also said they went on vacation but their little girl was too young to come and that is why they are here.

             The Next Day………………………

We got up and started looking around and they said they had a map to get out of this place. Then I asked them “if you had the map why didn’t you get out of this place.” The women said” we lost the map but I forgot it was in my jacket.”  So then we looked at the map and the first place to go was Atlantis! When we went there water was every where! So that meant we had to get out of here. When we found a beach we saw an helicopter we though we could use it to get back home. but the problem was we had to go around the storm so we gathered all of the the things we had there because we did not want to leave them there. we went and we made it through we brought them to ourselves and they said this was there house so that must mean they are my parents! I was so happy we found them i had know clue that they were my parents, but now we will all go on more crazy adventures!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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