Chapter 1

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Viola wasn't hard to find as far as hyper brunettes go. The girl was usually in her dorm, on the field, or with Olivia herself. Occasionally she was lounging at the Hastings residence, but it was too early for that. For a second, Olivia worried it might be one of those days that Viola was out with her Cornwall friends before recalling Viola whining about a Sunday morning impromptu practice.

That's how she found her rear parked on the bleachers, watching Illyria's best wrap up their practice. The sun was shining through a film of dew in the morning air, but the light breeze ran cool and crisp. Olivia wrapped her sweater taut and tugged the sleeves over her hands so that there was no direct contact with the freezing metal bench below her.

Her eyes tracked Viola who was currently slapping Duke's back-a little lower than necessary- and laughing animatedly with her teammates as they jogged back from a pattern of cones on the other corner of the field.

As always, Viola's fluid movements and endless energy was like a magnet for Olivia's eyes. She was clearly in her element. She flicked her foot expertly, swiveled her way past boys with three inches on her height and wasn't afraid to body them viciously if they got in her way. It looked like she could do these movements in her sleep and Olivia couldn't deny how impressive it was.

The aggressive roughness of it all had a sort of appeal to Olivia, someone who was never encouraged to participate in such unladylike things. Yet, here was Viola, looking very much like a lady, but embodied a force hidden beneath the pretty smiles and perfect hair and makeup. Viola liked to hide the fact that she cared about those things, but Olivia knew better.

And if she was sitting there admiring more than just Viola's soccer skills, then, well, no one had to know. She couldn't be blamed because Viola finally got Illyria soccer gear that wasn't just male-size-fits-all but actually fit her lithe body. Her socks scrunched down to her cleats with her shinguards absent and her shorts were- well- short. There was quite a bit of leg showing as a result and her shirt actually synched closer to her waist and back.

It was normal for a female to be observant and notice another female's body.

Whatever, the point was, she was probably suffering from jealousy and insecurity- comparing herself to Viola's body. And skill.

And whatever.

Just then, Viola's laugh rung out from the field. Her head tilted back to the sky, ponytail streaming down behind her and swishing back elegantly when she whips around to steal the ball back from Andrew.

Olivia let loose a wistful sigh since there was no one else on the bleachers this early on a Sunday to hear.

"And she, mistaken, seems to dote on me. What thriftless sighs shall poor Olivia breathe!"

In the distance, Toby poked Viola's shoulder and pointed towards the bleachers. Once Viola averted her smile to Olivia's general direction, her already beaming expression lit up tenfold. Much to her teammates' amusement, Viola swung her arm broadly in some semblance of a wave, but it was so Viola that it made Olivia giggle. She really could have waved normally and Olivia would've seen it just fine.

"Hi, Olivia!" Came a chorus of other male voices since Viola's wave had made the other guys on the team also look at the usually empty bleachers. They all laughed and shoved each other boisterously, apparently very pleased with this development.

Olivia raised her hand to give a small wave to them all before bringing it back to prop up her growing smile.

"That's enough," griped the bald Illyria coach at the boys.

"Yeah, that's enough," Viola poked one in the chest.

Not long after that, it looked like the players finally finished their last drill. Viola was the first to break away from her water bottle.

you know i'm such a fool for you (Olivia x Viola)Where stories live. Discover now