When we meet

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V pov:
I am going to my friend jimin's house.
Where we decided to meet to discuss about our group's condition.

We are not doing well maybe, people are not interested in us anymore,  that's why bighit is thinking to disband Bts.

"V was coming from club he is drunk and less focused on road because of tension . This is 8pm almost night, road lights are on "

On a zebra crossing when light is red.
V still didn't break because he is distracted . And there is no other car.
Bad luckily he hits someone.

V pov:
(After breaking) oh no shit.  I was already in trouble and now this.  I have to check.

(Before v comes out a big crowd gathered there, and police also)
(Police cleared crowd and asked the victim)
(V reached there and looked at victim)
(He is a young boy.  With a bag,maybe of 16 year old, he is sitting on road because his leg is injured)

Police to victim
Police: what happened to you?
Victim: sorry sir I was in depression so I didn't noticed the car its my mistake 
Police:ok, let's go to hospital.
(V interferes by saying)
V:excuse me sir if you don't mind can I take him to hospital . Because I want to regret.
Police:sure sir.

(Police left . V helping victim (jeonjungkook) to get up, he tried to walk but he can't so v puts his one hand on his shoulder and walked him to car, after they both sat)

V:what's your name?
V:Ok I am..
Jk:taehyung right
V:yeah.  How did you know?
(Jk doesn't answer)
(They are driving towards hospital.
Jk is looking depressed so v tried to talk to him)
V:why you told lie to police?
I know I hit you.
Jk:no that was my mistake I was distracted.
V:but why?
(Jk doesn't answer)
(They reached hospital after doctor
Checked jk)
Doctor:don't worry nothing serious.
Jk:thankyou doctor.
(Jk can walk now so he is leaving alone,
But v stopped him)
V:hey jeon wait.  Where are you going?
Let me drop you there.
Jk:it's ok
V:plz I want to regret.
Tell me where is your home?
Jk:In busan
V:busan? Why are you in seol then?
Jk:I want to be singer , that's why I came here,, but know one need me.  I am roaming from here to there but no one have time to listen to me once.
I don't know where I am going now.
(Jk's condition is not good he can't control his tears more he starts crying)
V pov: he looks so innocent he can't live alone here I think I should take him with me.
V:don't cry so that why you are depressed.
Jk:I am depressed because I don't want to disappoint my parents. They want to see me like a singer.
V:ok don't worry. You should come with me to my friend's house.
V:let's go already.
(V took's jk's hand on his shoulder again and set in car and reached jimin's house)

To be continued...

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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