Harry Potter Tag

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1.) Which Harry Potter book is your favourite?
Prisoner of Azkaban. I loved the fact that a werewolf was introduced, that Harry met his godfather! That we found out how Voldey found the Potters! PoA is just great!

2.) Which Harry Potter book is your least favourite?
Goblet of fire. Sorry Cedric fans, I just hated this one. It was stupid in my mind. It took me months to read I hated it so much. The Triwizard tournament took away my favorite aspects of HP. For example, Quidditch! I loved reading about how Harry would catch the snitch, how the fans would cheer, Lee's commentary!

3.) Which Harry Potter film is your favourite?
Well, I'd say Sorcerers Stone. It's just so upbeat and lighthearted it's hard not to love.

4.) Which Harry Potter film is your least favourite?
Order of the Phoenix. It.Did.Cho.DIRTY!!!! When they got rid of Marietta Edgcombe, Cho got done dirty! They put the ratting out of Dumbledore's army on Cho! Not to mention we didn't get to see Hermiones charm... If ya know what I mean..

5.) Which Harry Potter quote is your favourite?
"You're just as sane as I am" -Luna 'Looney' Lovegood

6.) Which Weasley is your favourite?
Freddy. He's just awesome!

7.) Which female character is your favourite?
Luna Lovegood shes funny and quirky!

8.) Which villain is your favourite?
I'm going with Bellatrix. Helena Bohmen Carter did a great job portraying Voldeys right hand women. And when you think about it, Bellatrix is a very empowered women. She's the dark lords most valuable, trustworthy, death eater.

9.) Which male character is your favourite?
Remus Lupin. The greatest.

10.) Favourite Hogwarts Professor?
Rubeus Hagrid.


11.) Wash Snape's hair or spend a day listening to Lockhart rant about himself?
Snapes hair is greasy as fuck. I'd wash it!

12.) Duel against an elated Bellatrix or an angry Molly?
Well, Molly kills Bellatrix so I definitely wouldn't go up against her!

13.) Travel to Hogwarts via Hogwarts Express or Flying Car?
The flying car... it's so much cooler!

14.) Kiss Voldemort or give Umbridge a Bubble Bath?
Kiss Voldey! I am not going near Dumbridge and I certainly don't want to see her naked!

15.) Ride a Hippogriff or ride a Firebolt?
Hippogriff, because how often do you get to have that experience?


16.) Is there a character which you felt differently about in the movies vs. the books?
Voldemort. He was so much scarier in the books. In the films, he is almost laughable. I still cannot get over the scene where he hugs Draco awkwardly. That is something the Dark Lord we read about never would have done.

17.) Is there a movie you preferred instead of the book?
I loved watching all the films bring the Harry Potter stories to life but nothing will ever compare to the books. Fact.

18.) Richard Harris or Michael Gambon as Dumbledore?
Richard Harris was great, but I personally preferred Micheal Gambone.

19.) Your top thing (person or event) which was not included in the movies that annoyed you the most.
I've got a few.
1) The absence of Marietta Edgecomb
2) The absence of Peeves
4) I might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure Vernon doesn't call Dumbledorf a crack pot old fool.
5) Half of the first chapter is missing!
6) We.Dont.hear.FREDS.LAST.WORDS
7) It's never explained why Madeye died
8) It never explained why George lost his ear..

20.) If you could remake any of the Harry Potter films, which would it be?
Goblet of fire. Everybody'd be getting a haircut.


21.) Which Hogwarts House was your first gut feeling you'd be a part of?
Hufflepuff. I'm still friends with the people I was in k5. I'm a senior in high school. Even when we fight, I'm just a very loyal person.

22.) Which Hogwarts House were you actually sorted into on Pottermore (or any other online-sorting quiz)?
Hufflepuff! Through and through...

23.) Which class would be your favourite?
Care of Magical creatures. I love animals...

24.) Which spell do you think would be most useful to learn?
Accio. It would make me a lot lazier but life much simpler.

25.) Which character at Hogwarts would you instantly become best friends with?
The Weasley twins. I just played a very elobrate prank on my whole family!


26.) If you could own one of the three Hallows, which one would it be?
The Invisibility Cloak. I have no interest in the Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone would cause all sorts of issues. As a self-confessed introvert, the cloak could help me remove myself from social situations without any awkwardness.

27.) Is there any aspect of the books you'd want to change?
JK Rowling's extreme thing for killing people...

28.) Favourite Marauder?
Moony because I love Remus Lupin.

29.) If you could bring one character back to life, which would it be?
Remus! Still not over this one. Plus Sirius and Dumbledore and Snape and Fred and Dobby and Hedwig and Tonks...

30.) Hallows or Horcruxes?
Hallows because they are slightly less life-threatening.

31.) Which parts of the books/films made you cry?
The countless occasions Hagrid gets fired. Bc as Harry once said, "It's not Hogwarts without you, Hagrid"

32.) What would your Patronus be?
Pottermore says a mongrel dog.

33.) If you could meet any member of the cast who would it be?
Emma Watson who plays Hermione because she's such an amazing woman and I would love to pick her brain about so many things.

34.) Have you played any of the video games?
LEGO Harry Potter on my old Xbox 360...

35.) If you were on the Quidditch Team, which position would you play?

I would be a Beater. I enjoy hitting things at people.

36.) Were you happy with the ending?
Yes, it was a wonderful close to a wonderful

37.) How much does Harry Potter mean to you?

Harry Potter means everything to me. I remember reading the first book at 11 years old and falling madly in love. I recently started collecting the Illustrated Editions and I cannot wait to share them with my children someday.

38.) Do you think you could ride on a broom?

After a few tries I'm sure I would get the hang of it!

39.) What would you do if you had the Marauder's Map?
Spy on Draco Malfoy. I'm kidding, I'd find the secret passage to the Honeydukes celar.

40.) What spell would you make up and what would it do?
Beautify! It would instantly style my hair and do my makeup. I'm terrible at both those things so a spell for that would really come in handy.

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