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Pink skies covered the floating island littered area. Different forms of life, like giant mushrooms, inhabited the several rock like islands. At the mouth a solid cave stood a white horse with a blue man and tail with a girl who rode its back in a western saddle.

"I have a bad feeling about this, Starshine," she mumbled quietly to her trusty stallion, her hand fumbling with a few strands of red hair that she left out of her bun.

"Trust your instincts, Lisa. The path leads this way, so they're probably this way," the white stallion snorted at his rider's nervousness and continued forward, despite Lisa's commands to stop. He kept his ears perked and head held high as a way to show bravery.

The pair only made it a short way through the cave only to come face to face with floating shadows with red glowing eyes. They watched as the creatures floated from end to end like they were guarding something.

"Darn shadow seekers, always gotta ruin the fun," the young soul rider groaned in annoyance at the creatures blocked  the exit of the cave.

Starshine snorted lightly and began to trek quietly, weaving through the shadow seekers. He knew what he was doing and had also sensed that his movement had been oblivious to his rider's mind as she was still stuck comprehending how to get past them. "Lisa," the stallion nickered, "we're past them already."

Lisa flinched her eyes and snapped back into reality. "Oh.. thanks Starshine," she breathed out of relief, cuing her stallion to continue walking forward. Upon exiting the cave, the young soul rider's eyes landed on two towers of identical crystals. After a further inspection of dragging her hazel eyes up both piles, she discovered two girls being held at the top of both. "Anne, Allie?" Lisa's voice trembled out of shock.

At the top of the right crystal, a blonde girl with pink streaks throughout it forced her eyes open. One was perfectly green while the other one was pink. She attempted to move around but her body was trapped in place. Her body felt as if all the life had been drained out of and there was nothing worth living for. Her ears had forced her awake at the sound of her name being whispered, causing her mouth to open to respond but all the came out was, "Constance... horse... where?"

Lisa tilted her head in confusion while Starshine let out a nicker of longing. The white stallion could feel the presence of a young soul. He tilted his head in all directions as far as he possibly could before landing on a small crystal pile with a horse trapped inside the top one. Starshine tossed his head to the side towards the trapped horse, causing his rider to snap her head to face the same direction.

"Is that...," the young soul rider's voice trailed out in confusion. 

"Constance. The young soul Constance," The old white stallion finished Lisa's thought with a snort. His stance faltered, breath quickened, and hear beat could be heard loud and clear all throughout pandoria. Starshine trotted toward the mare's crystal prison, despite Lisa's protests against it. The starbreed stopped a few feet away from the crystal and rubbed his nose against it before shoving it directly into the solid material and breaking it. 

From the shattered pieces of the crystal stood up a tall, skinny, black and white Arabian mare. She looked straight ahead at them with her cool gray eyes and flicked her ears for the first time in months. "S..starshine? Lisa?" the mare whinnied lightly in confusion and disbelief. 

"Welcome back," Starshine snorted in the general direction of the young mare, his rider noticing his breathing grew quicker but then calmed down. 

Lisa watched as the mare a few feet in front of her struggled up on her wobbly legs to move a few feet the be right next to Starshine.  "Conny," the young soul rider mumbled, using the nickname that Allie used, "are you alright?"

 Constance only shook her head, her bangs swaying with the movement. She looked up at the crystal tower next to her and saw trapped at the top was her beloved rider Allie. Suddenly filled with an unknown source of determination, the Arabian overcame the weakness feeling and galloped with all the strength she had. Using her back legs, Constance jumped high off the ground and proceeded to fly with a pair of white wings at her sides. She easily soared up to a stable crystal and broke open the prison by bucking at it. The Pinto Arabian then grabbed the collar of the freed girl's shirt tossing the sleeping girl over her shoulder and up onto her back. She then flew down to the ground right next to Starshine, making sure the girl was still on her back.

Lisa looked over the unconscious girl, seeing how the pandorian sickness had altered her features. Her hazel eyes saw that almost every strand of what was once blonde hair was turned pink, along with small pink cracks along her eyes and neck. She let out a shaky sigh of relief  that one of the twins was safe, but then gave a sympathetic look back up to the one who was still trapped. 

"I am afraid I need you to return that rider and horse," a hoarse male voice spooked Lisa, causing her to turn Starshine around to face the sound which placed Constance and her rider behind them.

"Darko," Lisa hissed loudly at the sight of the dark core member with tale dark red hair, black clothes, an evil looked plastered on his face, and a black walking staff. 

"The twins and that horse will not be leaving pandoria, they are what you would call.. insurance," Darko gave an evil grin and swished his staff around, slamming it on the ground for a finish. Soon many tentacles surrounded the three humans and their horses. 

"Constance, run. Run to the portal, get Allie back to Fripp!" Lisa screamed at the mare, commanding her to run like lightning. 

Constance reared, her wings having long since disappeared, and took off as fast as her wobbly legs would allow her to. Her ears picked up the clomping of Starshine's shoes from behind her. 

"Do not let them return to Jorvik!" the evil man shouted at the tentacles, causing them to start slamming down onto the rock and appearing everywhere in attempts to stop the soul riders. 

After a long and troublesome escape from the tentacled monster, the young soul riders and their horses made it back to the secret stone circle. The evil dark core man had followed them the whole way back and crossed through the portal, along with stow away tentacles, into the sacred place which was only for keepers of aideen. 

Constance and a newly freed Allie were surrounded by Linda, Meteor, Alex, and Tin Can while Lisa went to remove the keystone. All of the girls were oblivious to Darko entering into their territory.

"Darko!" Alex's stallion, Tin Can, neighed suddenly, freighting the druids present in the secret circle.  

The male with the dark red hair smirked and tapped his staff, sending out an invisible wave which froze all 4 girls to the spots they were standing in.

"I was just confined to one space for over a year!" Allie complained, saying a full sentence for the first time in a long time. 

"STOP," a squeaky voice that could be tracked back to a blue mythical squirrel looking creature squealed, "you are not welcome here. I would rather destroy the keystone and my life before letting you take Allie back to that place!" 

"Fripp!" the youngest soul rider yelled to her best friend, "Don't!"

Fripp, the mysterious squirrel, floated in the air with several lines of magic flowing around him. He then shot all he had at the keystone, causing a large explosion which sent Darko back to pandoria and himself lying motionless on the stone pedestal which held the keystone.

"FRIPP!!" Allie squealed out of shock as she ran over to her best friend who she hadn't seen in over a year. 

"Allie... Evergray.... seek out," Fripp wheezed out before going silent.

Soon Elizabeth Sunbeam, another close friend of the soul riders, made her way to the circle and took the dying creature down to her house. 

Allie sat in a far corner of the sacred place with her knees against her chest, hands secured around her black jeans and black riding boots. Her dark blue shirt with a black cross country vest over it hugged her body as she sobbed into her elbows with Constance lying right beside her.

"Allie," the mare snorted and nudged her rider on her shoulder, "he'll be alright. Elizabeth said so herself."

The young blonde continued to sob but managed to choke out, "If it wasn't for me, Anne would still be here and Fripp would still be alive to guide them."

Constance nickered and nudged against the sobbing soul rider, "Don't talk like that, if you weren't here then we never would have saved the world before we were trapped in there."

Allie lifted her head up from her soaked sleeves and gave her horse a small smile before randomly coughing violently. She couldn't stop no matter how hard she tried to, it just kept coming. Before the young soul rider knew it, blood was coming up in a form of saliva from her throat.

The startling sound of chocking alerted the Pinto Arabian and caused her to start loudly neighing out of panic, which she hoped would echo through the portal into Valedale. She trotted around her coughing companion, hoping some sort of magic will save the day. But nothing ever happened except Allie lying unconscious in her own blood that she just spent 5 minutes coughing up. 

Lisa and Starshine entered through the portal after hearing loud neighs of panic to find the youngest soul rider lying on the ground covered in blood and the youngest guardian trotting around in anxiety. 

Lisa picked up Allie and set her on the untacked white back of her stallion and told her to quickly run her friend over to Elizabeth, which he obeyed and did immediately. "Constance," Lisa whispered calmly and shuffled towards to frightened mare, "its ok, she's been taken to Elizabeth." 

Soon the mare joined the other horses outside Elizabeth Sunbeam's house while the soul riders were inside awaiting news about their friend. 

"So... is she gonna be okay?" Linda questioned at the sight of the woman walking towards the three girls.

"With rest, careful surveillance, daily healing sessions, the right medicine, and fresh air she should be fine. I have never encountered anything like this before, it must be something from Pandoria. I will resume watching over her until she is well enough to ride. Then she will stick with Lisa for a while," Elizabeth explained calmly to the three before going back to tend to the sick soul rider.

"Avalon," Alex turned to the druid covered in robes and straightened her beanie, "can you tell us more about Evergray?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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