Growing older

37 9 18

Growing older
Lots of what-if
Having a soulmate, child and rewarding career
Spending next few decades striving to achieve goals
Get older and what-if solved
Less stress, finally relaxed.

Growing older
Realizing it isn't about material things,pride, and ego
Sad but an enlightening feeling
Sitting on the couch, under the bright shinning moon singing to the ears of people.

Growing older
Better problem solvers
Swiftly make the right calls
No longer prance around in painful heels
Climb steep steps past young wobblies in magnificent toe-crushers.

Growing older
Emotionally stable, content, amazing and stress free
Having more time at hand
Best thing, you've seen it all, live it, and felt it.

Growing older
Grumpy old, grumpy young
doesn't turn the cheerful me to a grouch.


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