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Saturday early in the morning, Dara woke up at four. Took a bath and came out shivering in the room when the heater didn’t work out well. With a towel on her head and a robe carelessly hid her nakedness, she hurried to turn on the room heater a little bit high to ease her cold shower.

Dara saw that Jiyong was still sleeping soundly in bed before she proceeded into her drawer to dress up. She then dried her hair and fix a slight make up for the day, wishing it wont be smudged when she gonna work in the kitchen’s diner later.

It was quarter to four when Dara looked over the bed and her cat was still soundly sleeping. She can’t possibly leave the house without feeding it first. Knowing her cat’s temper, for sure, waking it up wont be a very charming idea but she gotta try.

So she gently sat on the bed and petted its head.

“Jiyong? Honey?” she called out in softest voice. She leaned over and kissed the top of its head,can’t help herself for its adorableness. “Wake up, hmm?”

The cat purred in response, yawning this time. It actually blinked sleepily to her while she smiled.

“Aigoo, look at you.” she said. “I’m leaving for the whole day until late at night. I’m worried that no one will feed you here. Will you come with me?”

The cat only meowed in response and Dara didn’t know if it was a yes or no. So she just stood up and reached out her arms, indicating the cat to come or not.

But cat took its time stretching its body before it allowed Dara to carry him to her arms.

“You’ll gonna love it there, Jiyong-ah.” Dara assured as she was walking towards the diner with a cat on her arms this time.

It only took her five minutes to reach the diner and Dara smiled widely when her hired service crew was already there, cleaning up again for few dust and wiping the glass walls and doors.

“Goodmorning, Ms. Dara.” They all greeted her cheerfully.

“Hello Bobby-shi, Mino-shi.” Dara said while placing the cat in the cash register counter.

“You have an adorable cat, Ms. Dara.” Mino said while Bobby wanted to gush over the cat when Dara spread her arms widely.

“This is not a friendly cat so don’t you guys dare on approaching him.” Dara warned while Bobby and Mino saw for themselves how the cat had the unusual unfriendly aura while regarding them in bored expression.

“Ad de, Ms. Dara.” Mino only said.

“And please, just call me Dara.”

Both young freshman college boys nodded to her enthusiastically while they prepared the things needed before they opened the diner at eight in the morning.

A few minutes before the time, Mino and Bobby was actually awed when people began to flock outside the diner while Dara was being busy in the kitchen after feeding her cat.

“I’m sorry I’m late! Aigoo, I overslept.” Ill Woo came at the back door and dropped his bag down the floor.

“I thought you ditch out on me.” Dara said in smiling face.

“No way I’m gonna ditch out on my girlfriend.” Ill Woo said rather loudly seeing for himself the two handsome service crew that Dara hired.

“Yah. I’m not your girlfriend. I’m your boss today so get your booty on the cash register.” Dara said while Mino and Bobby secretly scoffed in secret while Ill Woo rolled his eyes to them.

Eight in the morning when the diner was opened to its first fifty early customers that it was very hectic exclamations of orders while Dara was the one in charge in the kitchen. She moved fast and precise that a single mistake was the only one not in the menu for today.

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