Once upon a time there was a magical girl that lived in a magical world called Komiea. The worlds name was actually Komie and Komiea seemed as if she was very special in some sort of way. Komiea didn't really understand her life but one day she found a magical flower more magical that than Komie itself. Komiea had found a flower so rear that it only blooms one thousand years in the same exact spot of the land.
It was more beautiful than a rose sparkling sparkles everywhere. It could even make a full grown man cry. The people thought that it was only a legend. But when Komiea found it she was stuck by some sort of wave coming out of the malowwa flower.Komiea didn't know the the malowwa flower produced lots and lots of power and if it had been chopped off it could destroy Komie. But it would only destroy little bits at a time if it was pulled off. But Komiea pulled it off and felt a magical flush going through her. As Komiea was headding home, she saw a carriage on fire and felt that magical flush again and sprinted toward it, grabbed a hose and put the fire out. Everyone clapped and cheered for Komiea.
When Komiea got home, she told her mum everything that had happened but she didn't tell her about the malowwa flower. In the afternoon Komiea had a walk that she did every day. She walked to the place where she found the malowwa flower and would lay there for awhile. Half an hour went past and then she noticed the ground shaking for about five seconds. She noticed that there was a bit of Komie missing! Komiea had a painful moment where she felt like a rotten piece of fruit. "HELP. HELP ME. IM STUCK!!" Screamed a citizen.
Komiea raced to the city. She cried out "WHERE ARE YOU? " the citizen didn't reply. Komiea looked around and was starting to worry but then Komiea felt the magical flush again and ran everywhere. She looked high and low but couldn't find a single person. "Help. Please help." The citizen said quietly but with all her might. Komiea only just heard her so she sprinted faster then she had ever gone. But then she got to the citizen only to find that she was dead.
"No. NO! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! I thought that... That I got here in time." She said while crying. Komiea didn't notice it at first but the stuck citizen was actually komiea's best friend called maliea. Komie stared to shack again and everyone around Komiea started to worried.
After Komie started shacking everyone went inside exept Komiea. Komiea carried maliea over to a place the people of Komie liked to call the beautiful run away. Komiea decided to put flowers around maliea. Meanwhile Komie started to shake rapidly and the picked malowwa flower shrunk into the ground. Komiea suddenly felt a really bad pain in her body and then it just vanished.
"Maliea how did you get here?" Said Komiea sadly but calmly while crying. "How dare you die on me. You were the best friend. I could never replace you." But then Komiea had an idea. "But what if I try to..." Komiea bent over and held her hands out. It was glowing yellow and light blue. "It's working. It's WORKING!" It was working. It was working! She was healing maliea! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm doing it. IM DOING IT! I can't believe it. My best friend!" "Ouch! What just..." "Happened. Trust me you do not want to know. I don't think that I want to know either." Said Komiea stressing "but I'm glad it's over!" "Wait. Glad what's over? Komiea? Komiea!"wondered maliea clueless.