Protecting seth

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Randy tried to be smart to get seth he is just itching to get seth and destroy the shield and knowing Xavier and seth are dating he wants to ruin that two
Xavier-okay I told other superstars to be on the lookout
Seth-babe I'm scared
Xavier-you'll be fine I promise I'll protect you no matter what it takes
Roman-okay we are good as of now I don't see randy anywhere
Dean-me either
Kofi-good but still be on guard
They were hanging out in the locker room while the shield was in the ring ready for a match but randy was clever and turned off the lights than when they got turned back on randy had a knife to Seths neck
Roman-randy don't do it
The wwe crowd were freaking out telling randy no
Xavier-randy leave seth alone
Randy-oh your precious boyfriend Xavier
Kofi-why seth
Randy-he knows what happened he betrayed me
Seth-you betrayed me first actually
Randy-so I got the upper hand
Seth is freaking out he feels the blade close to his neck
Seth-stop don't
Xavier looks a Kofi and big e and nods Kofi and big e join Roman and dean and circle the ring trying to distract randy Xaviers got a plan
Xavier -seth look at me
Seth looks at Xavier
Xavier-I feel like someone needs to duck Down
Seth knees randy in the shin and hits the ground while Xavier slings his instrument across Randy's face and the cops manage to get their and arrest randy Xavier grabs Seth and Seth hugs Xavier
Seth-thank you
Xavier-your welcome baby I told you I always got you
Seth kisses Xavier and the rest of shield and new day join in a group hug
Wwe universe clap

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