Jacksucksatlife x Seapeekay but make it ✨barista✨

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Callum's POV
"I swear to god, if another gaggle of teenage girls come in and order iced coffee drinks, I am quitting this job." I laughed at my co-worker's quip. To be fair, I had seen this particular phenomenon happen on multiple occasions, and all were equally annoying. Luckily enough for the both of us, though mainly for me, the next customer to come through the doors was a cute-looking young man with dark brown hair. Well, at least I thought he was cute-looking. The man came up to the counter with a big smile.
"Hello!" He cheerfully greeted me with a type of confidence that only comes from those people who couldn't care less about anyone telling them to tone it down a bit. I nodded at him, smiling back. "Could I have a latte, please?" he asked after a little thought.
"Of course. What size would you like?"
"Um... whatever your medium size is, I guess."
"For here or to go? Oh, and could I get a name for you?"
"For here, please. And my name is Jack," I nodded and wrote it on the paper slip with his other order details. Don't worry, I spelled it right. This wasn't starbucks.
"That should be 4.75," I told the younger man- Jack- I reminded himself. Jack dug through his wallet. While not one with a very sophisticated gaydar, I would've been lying if the fact Jack had a little rainbow keychain hanging off the wallet wasn't intriguing. Maybe I actually have a chance. Jack handed the money to the tattooed man with a smile, making sure he left a tip. And a gentleman, too! I caught myself jokingly thinking.
"Thank you!" Jack smiled. Cute smile, I noted. I've got to stop. I've talked to this guy for like 20 seconds for goodness sake! I can't be mind flirting with him! Jack sat down at a nice table and got out his laptop while I finally started his drink. Even while trying to concentrate on steaming the milk, I couldn't keep myself from glancing at the chipper man I had just met. Luckily for me, my co-worker Lauren was there making another drink when I almost spilled the whole cup, not looking where I was going.
"Thanks," I told the purple-haired girl.
"S'cool. Just waiting until Oli gets here," she groaned. Oli was almost always late. He was lucky he was so good at his job. And that the manager, Lizzie, had a soft spot for the guy. Sadly for Lauren she couldn't leave until he arrived. Just as I was finishing the latte art, Oli burst in through the back doors. Lizzie popped her head out, too.
"Lauren, feel free to go, thanks for covering for Oil. And Oli?" the man cringed a bit as he knew he was about to be told off, "you better not be late again." I usually would have remarked on how easy Oli got off, but I was a bit preoccupied with staring at Jack. He was just typing on his laptop, not even doing anything generically cute, but I just couldn't look away.
"Callum... Callum!" Oli jolted me back to reality.
"Oh, sorry. I was just about to call out this drink."
"Well hurry up already! We haven't got all day!" I laughed inside at the irony of Oli of all people telling me that.
"Latte for Jack!" I called out, seeing the mentioned boy look up and catch my gaze. I immediately looked away. Can you gay panic by just looking at someone? I wondered to myself.
Yes. I realized.
Cause I totally just did.

Jack's POV
I'd been working on one of my photoshop commissions for a few minutes when the boy from before called out my name. I glanced up and saw him looking at me. I smiled, but he looked away. The man was obviously into me a little. Good for him. Because I'm into him a little, too. I got up to grab my drink, but on the way I had a little debate with myself. I was a confident guy, not necessarily an extrovert, but I had always been good at meeting new people. After a little back and forth, I decided to go out of my comfort zone. After all, this guy was exactly my type.
"Hey, excuse me," I tried to catch the attention of the man. He turned around looking a little surprised. I could see his name tag now- Callum. Once I was sure he was looking at me, I said the dumbest thing I've ever said in my entire life. "My coffee's hot... but you're hotter." Callum burst out laughing, and I just awkwardly stood there blushing profusely. When he had finally stifled his laughing he just smiled at me.
"I get off work in an hour, if you want to talk later," Callum told me, still clearly trying to hold back his laughter.
"I'd love that." I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled, before looking away and heading back to my seat with my latte. It was all I could do to keep from fist pumping into the air. I just basically got a date with a super cute guy! I grinned stupidly, glad my back was to Callum while I was walking.

Callum POV
"Heh. Nice one," Oli commented on the interaction, which I elbowed him for. Yeah. That was a pretty nice one, wasn't it. "Hey, hey. Just trying to support my friend and co-worker's romantic ventures." I rolled my eyes at him, but Oli's stupid teasing couldn't stop me from being happy. I couldn't believe how confident this guy was! Not that I minded. In fact, I could have used someone with a fair dose of confidence in my life.
"Hot Chocolate and a Cappuccino for Micha!" I handed the drinks to a middle aged man and a kid who appeared to be his son. Work went on like this for a while, the only deviation from the usual work flow being a blonde woman who asked us to take down our "Love Wins" poster's because they "went against her religion". Of course, we asked her to leave the store. I'm just glad we didn't get many people like her in the shop.
"Callum, if no one comes in the next few minutes you can head out," Lizzie glanced at Jack. "Or, I mean, stay here. Scott is going to come early so go ahead."
To be fair, that did sound like Scott. And I did want to talk to Jack. Looking over at him I caught his gaze. He smiled and waved at me, his cute biker looking gloves adding to his look. I finished up cleaning the white mug I was currently preoccupied with wiping down and, after a short trip to the bathroom to make sure I wasn't looking terrible, headed over to Jack's table.
"Hey!" He greeted me for the second time that morning.
"Hey," I said back. I awkwardly sat down.
"So...Callum, right?" I nodded. "How old are you?"
"I'm twenty-four," He smiled. His smile was awfully infectious. "It's really nice to meet you... And I meant what I said, y'know, earlier." I blushed a bit.
"Thanks. You're not so shabby yourself."
"Of course not! I'm a very handsome man," he retorted, turning his nose up in fake distaste. And just like that, we got over the awkwardness of it all.
"Sooo," after we had been talking a while I decided it was time to ask him.
"Mhm?" Jack had his face in his hands which were propped up on the table. It was extremely cute.
"We've been talking, and you seem really nice, and you made the first move, so I was wondering if maybe sometime you'd want to go on a date or something, like, more official?" I was almost positive he'd say yes, but I still felt a little nervous. He just grinned wider.
"I was just waiting for you to ask."

I wrote this like a month ago and it hasn't aged well. I also wrote this in 3rd person and changed it to 1st because all the good fan fiction I had read was in 1st, so I didn't think people would like in in 3rd. That was also a bad idea. See ya~ (or maybe not if I never update... oh well)

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