Chapter 1

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Arc naruto runs straight into the locked door. "OW WHY ISN'T IT OPEN?"

Say sighed, facepalming. "Arc, you absolute moron if you don't get back here i swear to-" Say cut was cut off by Arc before she could finish.

"I will end you" Arc says happily, breaking his joints

"I swear to kill I will god you in this gosh darn chilli's." Say said calmly, pulling out a pew pew. Before hearing a new voice and turning her head towards it.

"Are you guys gonna open the door or what?" A girl with blue twintails says, clinging to the overhang of the porch like an insect. "You guys still need to unpack. What are your names? I can tell you where your room, or rooms are located."

"My name's Say, and this idiot is Arc. He is a criminal mastermind, but on good days, he can sit in the canoe. Sometimes for up to an hour." Say explained to the twin tailed haired girl, and also not questioning how she is sitting like that, as Arc has done much weirder and worse than this polite girl.

"It's nice that you think he's a criminal mastermind, just don't say that to the person who has committed mass genocide, he's kind of emotional. Also be careful of Chris, he isn't the most veracious person."

"Eh, Arc has attempted mass genocide multiple times. I just threaten him with the canoe, and he shuts up. Don't be scared if he breaks his joints out of sheer willpower as a side effect of becoming feral. He does that pretty often. What's your name?"

"Let me know when he succeeds. Anyways second floor, first two rooms to the left, unless you wanna bunk, oh and you can call me Mothku. Get it, cuz i look like Miku? Anyways, I know when you talk about me so go ahead and not do that. Have fun!"

"Listen, its best Arc is never left unsupervised, so saying that we could have seperate rooms is like saying I should release my pet lizard collection. So, like, you a butterfly? Or do you just look like that" Say said in a completely normal tone, like nothing she has said in this conversation was unusual in any way. "Also, who is Chris?"

"First of all, lamp. Second of all, You'll probably meet him and everyone else today, after all everyone is moving in on the same day."


"I don't sleep. Anyways, I have spiders to talk to. Ta Ta~"

Say shrugged, and walked inside, completely forgetting about Arc, which was a VERY dangerous decision. Say looked around, and walked to a bunk dorm. When she arrived, she set her stuff down and claimed top bunk. Arc wouldn't mind! Right...? She opened the window and put her clothes away, before going to sleep. On the top bunk. With Arc unsupervised. You can probably guess where this is going.

Arc walks into the house and immediately bumps into someone. "What's your name? Can you break your joints out of sheer willpower?"

"Hi. I'm Christopher Pierre, but call me Chris. Did Mothku say anything about me?" He asked, completely ignoring the crackalackin of bones.

"Yeeet, she said to avoid you and stuff, bUT SAY ISN'T HERE SO I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!" He giggled, before speaking again. "Say isn't with me. I can sit in the canoe. I CAN SIT IN THE CANOE!!!" Arc exclaimed.

"Yeah, I think Mothku hates me. I'm really not bad, though."

"So, like*clicks tongue*, Say is kinda annoying, so do ya wanna help me do something...?" Arc asked with a sinister grin plastered across his face.

"Sure! I have a metal bat does that help?"

"Well, the metal bat would make it more extreme, but earlier I saw Say left our window open, and she claimed top bunk. Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Chris?" Arc questioned.

Chris smiled, and ran up the stairs with the bat, only to hear Say scream.

Arc giggled as he opened the door.


"Hey so you left your window open your gonna get cold. Can I come in?"

"Hey, cool number of limbs btw. Can you break all of your joints out of sheer willpower as a side effect of becoming feral?"

"Can you smell my extra limbs or something?

"Hehe, yep! Also, what deodorant do you use? It smells nice, can I use some? I promise I won't eat it!" He asked, joy filling his voice.

"Sure you can use it, it's in the top floor bathroom. I'm starting to thank crawling down here was a good idea." he said, nodding, yet still upside down. "So can i come in or am i just gonna talk to you from out here?

"Sure! You can come in, also, did you ever answer my question about your joints

"Well i can't break all my joints but i can climb walls."

"Cool. Hey, by the way hey ray Say mayday, can i sit in the canoe? And can my new friends come with?"


"Oh hi Chris, I'm assuming you were trying to prank Say?" he says casually.

"Say, Chris is my friend, and besides, the metal bat was for you!" He responded in a sweet, sugar coated voice.

"Actually that was for the window-" he interrupted for a short second.

"Wait, but the window was open, and I thought we were gonna throw Say out the window for even trying to get top bunk?"

"You what-"

"Well it was in case the window was closed." Chris shrugged. "Besides, i have the bat at almost all times."'

"Wait, Say you never answered whether I could sit in the canoe with my friends." Arc pouted.

"Not right now, and could yall like, leave, i'm kinda freakin out right now.

"Ok i'll climb back up. Also if you see AoaPP in the kitchen tell her to bring me a snack.

"Yo, since Chris is now my friend and you seem cool, can I hang out with you?"

"Wait, who's AoAPP?"

Charon grabs his new children. "Lets go hang on the rooftop! Norman just went to sleep so we probably won't die." He said, in a happy tone, as he started crawling away with Arc and Chris.

"... What the f-"

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