✞Chapter 1•Sketchy✞

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✦A/N's POV✦

The downfall was pouring hard, the scene filled with droplets hitting the polished pavement as it bounces off onto the concrete roads

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The downfall was pouring hard, the scene filled with droplets hitting the polished pavement as it bounces off onto the concrete roads. Gutters filled with the flowing water as people walk by with umbrellas wide open above their heads. The street lights on, flashing an array of whites and yellows, some flickering in the distance due to the maintenance not being up to date.

In all of this, a lonesome boy stands in the middle of a bus stop, waiting for a ride along with some others. He continuously fiddled with the wire of his earphones, not actually paying attention to the melody that was currently playing but instead, checking time to time if the bus has already arrived. It was around 7:40 PM, later than the usual time he would come out as he had dance session that day, his knees were slowly loosing steadiness, occasionally buckling up. He became more impatient as time passed by, he was about to just step out and walk his way to another bus stop, that was until the bus finally arrived. He went in, struggling as people were pooling in the vehicle, but he relaxed when he was able to find a seat for two.


A couple of minutes have passed, lights flashing out in the window as the bus drives along the roads

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A couple of minutes have passed, lights flashing out in the window as the bus drives along the roads. Noises were turned into murmurs as people turned to doze off. The boy, Jimin, hasn't even noticed that the bus has stopped, that a man has stepped in and is now walking into his direction. The said man sits beside the lonesome boy, both in silence and having no plans in making any conversation. Jimin turned his eyes to the right side, observing the sharp yet soft features the man had; thin eyes that gave a piercing look, plump lips that were slightly chapped from the cold, and dimples that appeared once he stretched his lips into some sort of shape. He surely was good looking, yet some sort of aura reigned around him, something similar to what you may say as... sketchy.

The man fiddled with his fingers, nibbling at the ends of his overcoat, while biting the bottom of his lips time to time. Jimin decided to not pay attention any longer, fearing that he would get into trouble.

Finally, the bus has stopped at his town area. People started to bustle while leading themselves out the vehicle. Jimin finally got out and walked along the guide of the street lights. He skipped on the slightly cracked pathway, continuously doing so until he has to turn a sharp right turn, leading him into his apartment complex that he shares with his friends. What the boy didn't notice though, was that the man he sat with at the bus was walking the same path as he was. Jimin felt that same eerie feeling, turning around and seeing the figure swiftly turn into the woods. Jimin decided to not follow the man, as he has read way too many stories, knowing that it would lead him to no good.

 Jimin decided to not follow the man, as he has read way too many stories, knowing that it would lead him to no good

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He didn't even notice that he already had missed the doorway of his home, section V, room 30. He got his keys out, the dangling sound of keychains and pins ringing around the area. As he unlocked the door, he saw one of his roommates, Yoongi, laying flat on the couch as the illumination of the television creates a halo look around the boy's body. 'Dummy Yoongi hyung', he says to himself, as he turns around to be greeted by his other roommate. Jimin walked into the kitchen, seeing that his other hyung, Jin, was busy pouring down some tea into some cheap ceramic cups. Jin greets Jimin as they both sat down to relax their strained muscles, not before the little one removes his coat while laying it on another desk.

Jin: Good evening Jiminie! How was your day at dance practice?
Jimin: Stressful, theres a new kid that annoys me and keeps trying to flaunt his none existent *ss...
Jin: OMG! Don't be that mean Jiminie, give the kid a chance of attention... anything else?
Jimin: uhmm... oh yah! Some weird guy sat with me in the bus and literally also walked with me but he walked into the forest or something...
Jin: was he hot?
Jimin: wait w-wha–
Jin: You know it could've been like those wattpad fanfics where you get into trouble and fall inlove with some hot sketchy guy! You should've taken that damn chance Minnie!
Jimin: eWww! You're too weird hyung and that's only fanfic logic, wait... YOU READ THOSE?!
Jin: uhm *coughs* no..?

The small one was about to fall off his seat from laughing at his hyung, that was until Yoongi woke up and got all grumpy at his other roommates, having a five minute rant as to how they should shut their mouths up. The other two laughed at the grumpy one's antics, understanding that sleep was his number one priority in life.

After some chitchat, the three boys decided to head to bed, mostly due to one of them complaining that he missed his pillows. Jimin slumped himself onto his mattress, slightly bouncing up due to the fluffiness. He cuddles himself in the blankets and plushies, getting comfy in the cold hour. He finally got into a position that felt right, laying back and thinking about something.

'What was that man doing..? Maybe I should check tomorrow', with a curious mind like his, the thought wouldn't shake away, staying there for the time being. A foolish decision to say, he should've never thought about it, for an adventure he never sought of shall come his way.


✑ Hello! So this is the first chapter of the story and it's kinda short for now as it just started. I'm actually really excited for this as it's a different vibe compared to "Impure Purity". Tell me how you think of it and comments are really appreciated because they make me giggle ans stuff haha. Hope you're doing well and are safe wherever you are right now 💗💖💓

✑ I'm also sorry for the late update, I was supposed to do it the day before but I didn't feel well so I'm really sorry for the delay. Thank you aswell for 200+ views on my 1st fanfic, Impure Purity and for all the votes and comments, it made me feel better. 💖💗💕

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