It didnt take much for dad to let Emily stay. He saw how young she was and imeediatly said she could stay. then carol and beth ushered her off to go do girl things, i dont know.
it was the day after the supply run. i was sat on my bed, reading some comic i picked up the day before. it was a bit crap to be honest. i was about to get up and go find judith when a figure appeared at the doorway. it was Emily. i think? she looked so much different. her blonde hair was cut, so it came just past her shoulders in curls, her fringe sweept across her forehead, her blue eyes shone out from under it. she was wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans, and some black steel toe cap boots, just like mine. she had a white t-shirt with a dark , hooded denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up. she was actually stunning.
" Erm, dude?" Emily said, snapping me out of my trance," they said i would find you here. Can we talk?" "oh , yeah sure, whats up?" i asked , as she sat down next to me. "they have given me a gun, and i . . ." she started " have no idea how to use it?" i asked, laughing. she punched me lightly in the arm " yeah." she said, looking at the floor. i turned to her, lifted up her head with one of my hands, and brushed her fringe out of her eyes with the other. " hey hey hey, Emily, its cool i'll show you, no need to be embarrised." she looked up at me with those bright blue eyes, and gave me a smile that made my heart melt. " okay, oh and its Em."