chapter one

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           Sarah's breathing was labored, her chest heaving. None of Xavier's aerobics classes were ever easy, but it was always worth it. She followed Montana to the locker room, eager to stand under the soothing water. They arrived, and as she was soaping up her hair with shampoo, she heard Montana begin to speak. Just, not to her.
           Brooke, she thought her name was? She wasn't sure. What she did know, is that she definitely wasn't comfortable with Tana sparking up conversation, even after she made sure to assure her that she wasn't a lesbian.
           Laughing lightly at her extroverted friend, she quickly turned off the water, and went to get dressed. Pulling on a pair of acid washed jean shorts, her favorite red sweater, and her new adidas, she threw her hair up in a ponytail and walked out of the locker room to find her brother, Chet.
            Her brother was standing with his friends Ray and Xavier. Her breath almost caught in her throat. He always looked so fine, even after a hour and a half long aerobics session. She tried to tell herself if was completely innocent, that she liked him for his energy or whatever, but she couldn't ignore the way his back would arch, or the way he so confidently thrusted his hips—
           "Hello? Earth to Sarah? You're zoning out again," Her brother chuckled. He was not oblivious to his sister's little crush, and would tease her relentlessly, in a way that no one else really picked up on it. She did, she knew that he knew.
           "Yeah, you have been really spacey lately. Everything alright," Xavier asked, his voice impeccably smooth.
           "Oh, yeah," her voice came out high and squeaky, and she so desperately wished for the floor to crack open and swallow her whole.
           Xavier smiled, almost teasingly. "Alright, well, as I was saying, apparently, her throat was slit so deep she was almost decapitated," Xavier continued with his story.
           Montana appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, throwing her arms around Xavier's neck. "Oh? Talking about your latest date?"
           "Very funny, but no. They're thinking that lunatic struck again. You know, the Night Stalker." Xavier put extra emphasis on the name given to the killer by the Los Angeles public. Sarah opened her mouth to throw her two cents in, but was cut off right as she started.
           "They say serial killers strike more during the summer months," Brooke spoke. At seeing everyone's expression, she pressed on, "because more people sleep with their windows open."
           Sarah shivered at the thought of how she did usually leave her window open during the night. "Well, that blows. I don't know what I'd rather risk, getting heatstroke in my sleep or getting murdered by some whack job in my sleep."
           "Well, with all the craziness going on, and with the olympics coming to town," everyone gave Chet a pitying look, and his gaze fell to the floor. Xavier continued, "I'm getting out of town for a couple months. Hey, you all should come with! I got a gig as a camp counselor at some camp a few hours out." He settled his hands on Sarah's shoulders, "I'm sure we could even find something for you to do, too."
           After everyone agreed that they would meet up after class the next day, they decided to go home. Xavier walked with Chet and Sarah to her car, discussing the plan for the next day. After a few minutes, they arrived at Sarah's brand new bright red corvette.
           "I can't believe you got a corvette for your first car." Xavier stated, clearly in awe.
           "Neither can I," the two siblings replied, almost in synch. Sarah sped up slightly to pop the trunk and throw her and her brother's workout bags inside. When she closed it again, she noticed that Xavier had opened the driver's side door for her.
           "Aw, who are you and what did you do with Xav?" she smacked his shoulder lightly.
           "Even when I do right, I'm wrong? That's killer, Sarah." He winked at her before shutting the door, and her face began to heat up immediately. Busying herself by starting the car, she tried to ignore Xavier and her brother laughing at her flustered state. She yelled at Chet to get into the car so they could go home, and they did.


           Sarah woke up early that morning, and the day seemed to be the slowest she had ever lived through. She was rearing to go, and so as soon as she got into Xavier's van (which she still refused to call the Vanta-C), she could feel the peaceful vibes wash over her. Until Brooke opened up about the night before.
           "He said he would follow you? Holy shit, Brooke." Sarah breathed out. She would never say it to the group, because it sounded bitchy and cold-hearted, but she wondered if bringing Brooke along was a mistake. She wasn't too keen on getting murdered by that psychopath a year before graduation. So, she removed herself from the conversation and scooted up to the front to look out the windshield.
"What's wrong, not stoned enough yet?" Xavier teased. Ignoring her brother's grumbles of, 'don't listen to him, sarah,' and 'quit influencing her, dumb ass' she rested her head on the side of Xavier's car seat.
"I'm just a little worried, is all. Not to mention, I just saw my brother slam a line of blow, so," she giggled lightly. Ray tapped her on the back and snuck her a joint, and she twirled in in between her fingers for a minute. She was kind of scared to admit that she had never gotten high before, until Xavier grabbed it from her hands.
"God damn, babe. Never smoked before?" All she could do was nod, a large blush spanning her entire face. He took a long drag, and motioned for her to sit on the console. So, road laws be damned, she did. Taking his eyes off the road for a second, he pulled her down by the neck of her shirt, and pressed his lips to hers. Slowly, he blew the smoke into her lungs.
Seeing her begin to open her mouth, he spoke quickly, "Breathe it in, babe. Don't be wasteful, alright?" She nodded as she did as she was told. Her head already felt a bit hazy, it was her first time getting high, after all. She rested her head on Xavier's seat once more, falling asleep soon after.
She woke up, had to have been an hour later, to Brooke screaming and the van lurching forward. There was a resounding thud, and the van went quiet for a second before everyone filed out to see what happened.
"Did we hit him?" Brooke asked, fear in her voice.
"Uh, no. I don't think so." Xavier replied, but it was obvious that he was just saying so for damage control.
Sarah's breathing got shallow, but she kept walking forward. Chet grabbed her by her shoulders and held her still.
"Hey, I don't want you seeing this. Go sit in the front." Not wanting to disobey her brother when she knew he was right, she walked back to the van slowly, listening in to their conversation. They argued for a moment over what they should do with the man, but the conversation was cut off as she slammed the passenger door shut.
Soon enough, she heard the back door slide open and everyone clambered back in. Xavier merely asked everyone if they were ok, before starting up the van and pulling back onto the road. Sarah did not fall back asleep, and her buzz settled uncomfortably in her body.

(A/N) Hello! I started watching 1984 a few days ago, and I'm smitten haha. I know I didn't get the dialogue 100% right, but I tried lol. I will update every Friday, until I am finished with the season, as this book sort of follows the storyline. Thank you so much for reading!
- Dale

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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