I'm back.

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I'm Back.

*I've been off the radar for awhile now, I'll admit. I lost touch with a lot of things and people. But I'm back. Let that be known, I'm back*

Was that true though? Did you even believe the words that once came out of your mouth? Nope. Because if so you wouldn't be rejecting everyone's phone calls at that moment, lying in bed in a dress too small for you, heels that were fiercely scuffed around the side, sheets full of black streaks accumulated from access make up. Every breath you took revealed a hint of the alcoholic beverages you consumed the previous night, and as the current ringing of your phone echoed throughout the walls of the room you were currently stationed in, a head ache rung right through your head.

You: Stopppppppppp calllllinggggggg my phoneeeeeeeee!

*You hit your phone with the palm of your hand and muffling is revealed on the other end of the receiver*

You: Dammit! *You mummer*

?: [YN]!

You: What now man?!

?: Do you realize what time of day it is ?

*You sit up slowly, grabbing your head. You grip your stomach because the feeling of regurgitation is near*

You: It's too early!

?: It's not! It's noon, and I do recall you saying you were going to come to Elliott's graduation luncheon?

You: Shit *Audible whisper*

?: Excuse me-?

You: Cameron it's too early! Too early for you to be calling me about some damn graduation!

Cam: Hey, I'm just saying-

You: You're always just saying, just leave me alone, I have a headache

Cam: Mmmm..... *He sucks his teeth on the other end of receiver*

You: What man?!

Cam: You've been drinking again huh?

You: Don't worry about it, get off of my line!

Cam: Excuse me for calling to see if your drunken ass was alive!

You: I'm not a drunk you mother-

Cam: Watch your mouth!

*You hold up the finger to the phone*

You: You're wasting my time, goodbye!

Cam: What time? All you do is party, drink, and complain. You have no job and you-

You: Where are you getting at??!!!!

Cam: Why are you so nasty..?!

You: Have a jolly good day damn!

Cam: Just be at Elliott's graduation lunch o-

You: Got it Elliott's graduation lunch thang thang yeah yeah bye!

*You hang up before he can say anything more, throw your phone down, and flop down right along with it, but instead falling off of the side and onto the floor*



You: Hey Hey you you I don't like your girlfriend no way, no way I think you need a new one!

*You scrape the remaining eggs from out of the hot skillet onto your plate. Your eyes glance up at the TV screen

in the living room*

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