Two Truths and a Lie

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I know you've all been waiting for an insanely long time for something from me SO a gift. A super short sneak peek to my new story Two Truths and a Lie.  Enjoy loves xoxo!

“Want to play a game?” He asked huskily, his words slurring the slightest bit as he walked towards me. 

I took a long sip from my plastic cup, enjoying the burning sensation the liquid left in my throat on its way down.  Bringing a finger to my chin, I taped it as if in thought.

“What kind of game?” I asked slyly, my lips curving into a smirk that seemed to make his own grow more pronounced.

Coming to a stop in front of me, he looked down, his emerald eyes blazing with undeniable lust.  He ran a hand through his chocolate brown hair.  “It’s a little game I like to call two truths and a lie.”

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