Chapter Seventeen

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ALRIGHT EVERYONE! AFTER A YEARS WORTH OF WORK (not really I deleted what I had and came up with all of this today), I GIVE YOU, CHAPTER 17 !!! I'm putting a little spin on the story btw, so enjoy!


"Owe owe owe oweeeeee!" I let out as Matt cleaned the wound on my leg from the glass that was left on the floor. Thankfully they weren't huge pieces and the bleeding was mainly stopped by now. 

"Sorry." Matt replied feeling bad about it hurting me. "Where are your band-aids?" he then asked. 

"Cabinet." I said pointing up towards it not wanting to look at the light. My head was killing me from the fall still. Matthew then got up and opened the door to grab some. 

"Oooo, Star Wars band aids!" I heard Matt say kind of excitedly. I chuckled a bit at his cuteness before telling him that those weren't big enough for my cuts. All he did was bend back down towards me and shrug his shoulders. "I'll make it work."

All I did was shake my head and lean back on the toilet to let my head rest on the wall. I actually started to snooze off. All I could really tell from my surroundings were hearing rips from Matt tearing the band-aids. I wonder how many he's ripped by now? 

"There we go! All finished." I heard him say. Seconds later I felt tugs on both of my arms which brought me back to full consciousness. "Do you think you're okay to walk on you're leg?" Matthew asked as I rubbed my head and sat up.  

I laughed as I looked down at the multiple star wars band-aids on my leg and replied "Yeah, I think Chewie and Darth Vader got my back, or leg, on this one."

"I love it when you talk Star Wars to me." 

"Oh shut up Matt!" I laughed and shoved him away as I stood up. I then began to leave the room and he was quick to stop me. 

"Woah woah woah woAH. Where do you think you're going?" Matt asked me.

"Down stairs to clean the mess that you started. What about you?" 

"Leading you to you're room so you can rest a bit while I  clean the mess that I  made." He responded as he put his arm around me. Once he started walking I kept my stance in the spot I was in.

"No, I'm going to help you. It's my house and technically I splashed first." 


"Soooo I'm going to help you." I told him. 

"No you're not Cayleigh." 

"Yes I am." 

"Want a bet?" 

"Yes, I do Matthew." I winked. 

"That's it!" He hollered before bending down a little. Matt wrapped an arm around my legs, another behind my back, and lifted. He then walked towards my room and in the process of doing so I kept yelling telling him to put me down while laughing at the same time.

After finally making it into my bedroom, Matt walked over to my bed and halted. A few moments went by and I finally stopped squirming and telling him to put me down.

"You done now?" Matthew chuckled. 

As I was there in his arms and looking at him, I couldn't help but admire how cute Matt actually is and how cute his smile is and how kissable his lips look. Man, I just want to kiss him. 

Wait, no. Cayleigh stop it. 

You need to get over him already. This isn't good for you. He has a thing with Christina and you know it. 

But you hate her guts, so who cares? 

My stomach flipped in circles as I replied "I don't know, depends."

"On what?"

I took a gulp, smiled, and replied "This."


Matt's POV

"You done now?" I asked Cayleigh when she finally finished squirming in my arms. I couldn't help but think both how incredibly adorable that was and how incredibly adorable she was. And I know how wrong it is of me to think so considering I have a thing with Christina. But it's just the honest truth.

"I don't know, depends." She told me. 

Curious, I asked her what it depended on. Cayleigh then responded a single word. One single word and then she did the unexpected. 

This, was definitely not expected. 

In an instant after her response, she grabbed my face and crashed our lips against each others. 

After a few seconds, we both pulled away at the exact same time. She had a nervous type of look on her face, as if I didn't like it.  But that was not the case at all. I took a second to take it all in.

I just kissed Cayleigh Sauermann, my best friend, finally. And I absolutely loved it. 

I figured she was probably scared to do so, and I went ahead and leaned back in and pressed my lips against hers. It didn't take Cayleigh long to start kissing back. Maybe twenty seconds or so had passed and her hands were around my neck, things started to get heated. 

I got caught in the moment and went with the instinct to lay her down, with me half on her and half on the bed. Cayleigh began to ruffle her hands through my hair and I propped myself up with one arm and had a hand placed on her waist. 

The kiss continued to get deeper and deeper and I'm pretty sure we were both loving it. I began to now rub my thumb against her skin, right under her shirt and on her waist.

I wonder what all of this means. Is this us saying we want to be more than friends? Are we going to be more than friends? Am I going to completely shut Christina out of my life?  Are we just going to be friends with benefits? 

It all had me curious but I chose not to think about anything else and decided to enjoy what was happening at the moment as we got more and more comfortable with each and what was going on. 


5 Years Later... (Still Matt's POV)

"Babeeee. Babyyyyyy. Honeyy wake uppp." I heard a voice while lightly being shaken awake. Slowly, I opened my eyes to adjust to the light of the room from the window being open. 

Once they were fully open, I saw the face of my fiance looking down at me. A smile spread across her face and she said "Rise and shine baby." 

I smiled back and leaned up to kiss her lips. "Good morning beautiful." I then told her.

"As much as I would loveeee to lay in bed and cuddle with my bae all day, you have a meeting at noon today, and then a two photo shoots. One at 2:45 and the other at 5:00 baby." she informed me. 

"Darn, what time is it now? Maybe we can get some time in." 

"11:20." She told me with a sad face. 

"Awee, I'm sorry sweetie. Oh shit, wait. Did you say my meetings at noon?" 

"Yes." she replied. With that I jumped out of bed to hurry and get ready. 

When I got into the bathroom I started the shower water. Opening and closing my mouth a couple times I could taste my horrible morning breath so turned around to the sink to brush my teeth. There was a toothbrush but no sign of toothpaste.

"Hey Christina, where's the toothpaste?" 

"In my bag on the sink!" I heard her holler from the hotel bed.

"Thanks!" I responded before preparing for my day.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2016 ⏰

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