Chapter 1

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AN: Ok so this is gonna be kind of like the Hold On song fanfic I did, but not a whole bunch. Well hope you enjoy this new fanfic.

Carrie's POV

I looked up at the ceiling. I felt so mad at Larry, how dare he say he's not good enough for me! If anything I'm not good enough for that adorable, cute, amazing guy! Whoever told him that are gonna get hit by a brick!

While I was sitting there staring up at the ceiling I heard two loud bang sounds from the kitchen. I jumped up and ran down the hall. "Larry are you ok!" I screamed then I saw some sort of black figure climbing out of the window. I went to chase after it when I saw Larry laying on the ground covered in blood!

"Larry!" I screamed running over to him. I kneeled down and tried to roll him over. I saw that he got shot once in the arm and once in the leg. I held him tight as I called 911. "Oh, Lars if you leave me I'm gonna kill you, you hear me!" I screamed at him. Like that's gonna make him wake up. "Please don't leave me." I sobbed out.

AN: Sorry this is short I promise as the story gets going the chapters will get longer. Anyways thanks for reading my baby lemons

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