New Leaf

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how r u

anyway i just wanted to try and write an actual full story on midasxreader.

if you have any ideas at all drop them in the comments my brain is very much fried.

ok bye luv u


You were late already

For your first day


You quickly grabbed your keys, sprinting out the door and slamming it behind you. You threw your bag into the back of your boat, and then proceeded to throw yourself in.

"Shitshitshitshitshit" you mumbled, pulling out of docking area and racing down the river, leaving only ripples behind you.

You turned the corner by the hill, seeing the large building. The Agency. You sped up more, steadying the steering wheel.

Heels are hard to boat in.

You pulled up beside other boats, reaching behind you and grabbing your bag. You rushed up the steps as fast as you could. You approached the entrance, the marble floors glinting with the sun.

"Name?" A henchmen said, pointing a gun at you.

You held up your security id, smiling uncomfortably.

"You're late" he mumbled, waving you on.

"I'm aware" you groaned, rushing past him. The sound of your heels clipping on the floor made you cringe slightly.

You came to the front desk, seeing another henchmen behind it.

"Hi! I need to know where the meeting room is please" you said, fiddling with your hair. The henchmen looked up, uninterested.

"Down the hallway on your right. It's the last door. And you're late"

"Yes I know!" You said through gritted teeth. You waved a thank you, before taking off in that direction. You came outside the door, hearing chatter coming from inside.

You took a deep breath, fixed your hair and clothes slightly before....

Should you knock?

Considering the fact you were now an agent you shouldn't have to knock right?

But it's your first day

Would it be embarrassing to knock?

You pushed the thoughts to the back of your head before deciding to just walk in and hope you didn't fall.

You swung the door open, trying to be discreet. Immediately all faces turned to meet you.

"Uhm darling? Henchmen's quarters are down the other hall" A large male said, sitting around the table. He had a bald head with dark sunglasses on.

You felt your cheeks burning. You swallowed hard, trying to regain some form of dignity.

"I'm the new agent?" You said, leaning against the door for some kind of support.

"Yes another for the girl team!" A young girl called, punching the air. She had fair skin with beautiful baby blue eyes. She was dressed like someone out of Adventure Time.

A girl beside her high fived her, sticking her tongue out at the large male. She had tanner skin with choppy brown hair and brown eyes. She grinned at you and you smiled back.

sugar & gold, a midasXreader storyWhere stories live. Discover now