Chapter 1

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*Harmony's POV*

I sit typing away hoping one of the boys would follow me. 1/5, I just want 1/5, but it seems like I'll never get it.

Shit. I looked at the time, 3AM, I have to get up in 5 hours, I should try to get some sleep right? Tomorrow I'm going to Six Flags with a few friends.

"@NiallOfficial: Goodnight boys, wish we had similar time zones <3" It sucks living in the U.S, a lot of people wish to live here, but it's not all that great.

I lay in bed thinking, what if I met the boys? What if we became friends? Oh gosh, being friends with the boys seem like the craziest thing that can happen, if only it can happen, If only I found a way.


*At Six Flags*

"LET'S GO ON X2 YOU GUYS!!" I yell to my group, I have to hang out with boys because all girls every do to me is cause a bunch of drama. "Jerry, why do you look so scared?" He giggled at his nickname, His real name is Jacob, but when we were younger I forgot his name, and called him Jerry, since then it stuck. "Chub chub, you know I'm afraid of heights, but of course I'll ride all the rides." He calls me Chub chub because of my chubby cheeks, I'm not over-weight, I'm actually a pretty good weight, not too skinny though, but I have big cheeks, a small nose, brown eyes, with long medium brown hair, containing bits of natural different colors, not to mention I am super short, 5'foot and a half. I look up to my big friend Tony and Brian, we race down to go to X2, as we are getting there it starts getting crowded, and looking a bit far off, I see.. Justin Bieber?

"You guise.. guise.. not that you guise care.. but umm.. I see Justin Bieber.. Can we go over there? Guise.." I turn to see my three friends staring at me, ermm.. I normally don't fangirl infront of them. "Yeah sure let's go" YES! We start making our way towards Bieber.

I tap his shoulder as he turns around, Oh gosh I have no idea what to do, I bit my lip nervously, looked up at him and smiled, "Hi, can I take a picture with you?" He giggled, and gave me a hug, "Sure!" I gave my phone to Jerry and asked him to take a picture of us. "Thank you so much, I'm sorry if I interrupted your day or anything." Oh gosh, I can feel myself blushing as I look down, staring at my small pigin-toed feet. "No fan ever interrupts" He looked back at me and smiled, oh my gosh I feel so awkward please don't stare. "Eheh, well thank you" I smiled back, "Anytime, nice meeting you" He said and gave me another hug.


X2 was crazy! "Let's ride Green Lantern!" Jacob yelled, hyper much? Haha, when we make it into the line I saw him again, yes Justin Bieber.

"Hey! I just met you!" ..and this is crazy but here's my number oh and my twitter hit it up and follow me maybe.. I'm so stupid. "Hi Justin!" I smiled back, wow meet him once is already amazing. The line moves a bit as we step foward. "I never got your name, mind telling me?" Ooops, "Harmony" I say shyly, I can feel him stare eek, I keep looking down. "You're a cute one, quite shy" I know Justin is it not obvious. "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit awkward and shy at first." "Hmm what if we get to know each other some more?" We step ahead, "That sounds fun" "Wanna exchange numbers?" We hand eachother our phone and saved our numbers. I can't believe this is happening though. "What's your twitter? I can follow you" Oh oops, "Uhmm, it's Jano 1D underscore 64" I see him type away "@Jano1D_64" and made the follow button blue. Oh my gosh Justin Bieber is now following me, ASDKJSBHDJSDJGJDGSDASdHAGSDVHG I AM SCREAMING IN MY HEAD IS THIS REAL LIFE WAT DO I DO OMG OMG KEEP IT COOL HARMONY KEEP YOUR COOL OMG. The line went by so fast, but this was our last ride, at least I'm going home knowing I talked to Justin oh my gosh!


The car ride home was loud, music blasting filling the cold night air. Chills run down my spine as my hair falls behind my shoulder, pushed away by the wind, the sound of my friend's laughter fillling the air. I hear my phone beep, and read my text.

Justinnnnn(; :

It was great meeting you! Wanna come over to the hotel tomorrow? I'll give you the directions, just keep it a secret, shhhh(:

I giggled at his text, responding:

Sure! Haha I will never(;< It'd be great! It was nice meeting you too!

He gave me his directions as I got home, I changed into my PJ's and went to sleep, preparing for the fun day that awaits for me tomorrow.

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