Is this the end of us ? : FINAL CHAPTER

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Minghao and Hoshi pulled up at his house.
From the car, They both saw the man turning off the lights downstairs.
This could be a signal for them to enter the house.
They decided to wait a little bit. They saw that he turned on his bedroom light.
" Let's go when he turns off the light and lay down," Minghao said.
Hoshi nodded and they waited.
All the lights were finally off and Minghao and Hoshi was on the move.
They were as quiet as a mouse.
When Minghao was finally in his bedroom, He was planning to suffocate him with a pillow but that will kill him.
So, Minghao then looked around his room quietly to find something to knock him out.
While He was finding a weapon, Xinlong opened his eyes and sat up.
Minghao did not know he was sitting up.
So Xinlong quietly got out of the bed, and went behind Minghao and grabbed him from behind.
Minghao was fighting his way free but failed.
Xinlong dragged him to a chair and roped Minghao in a chair.

" Who are you?," Xinlong said coldly.
" WHY DID YOU KILL MY MOM?!?" Minghao snapped.
Xinlong covered his mouth.
" Your Linzhu's Son?!?" He said surprisingly.
" Your Mother was cheating on me behind my back," he explained.
" THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOU HAD TO KILL HER!!?!," Minghao yelled back.
" I loved your mother and for her to do that to me really broke my heart," he said coldly looking away from Minghao.
" I did what I had to do," he said pulling out a gun.
" You're a sick man," Minghao said coldly to Xinlong.
Xinlong aimed the gun at Minghao's head.
" How dare you trespass?" He said in Minghao's face.
Minghao turned away.

He then loaded the gun ready to shoot him.
Then Hoshi came out of nowhere and attacked Xinlong.
The room was complete chaos there was things breaking and dents appearing on walls.
Hoshi and Xinlong was now fighting over the gun.
Then the gun fired off.
They both paused and was feeling themselves to see if they got shot but none of them got shot.
But the gun was last pointed at Minghao.
They both looked at Minghao and they shot him in the chest.
There was Endless blood gushing out of his chest.
Minghao was spitting up blood.
Hoshi then kicked Xinlong out of the window and it was a long fall. Xinlong fell really hard.
Hoshi then rushed over to Minghao to check his condition.
His condition was really bad.
" OMG OMG, YOU'RE GONNA BE OKAY, JUST HANG IN THERE!!!," Hoshi yelled at Minghao.
Hoshi had a cloth and applied pressure over the wound to stop the bleeding.
Blood was gushing out of Minghao's Moutb.
" H-Hoshi?," Minghao said stuttering as blood was still coming out of his mouth.
" Yea Buddy," Hoshi said to Minghao with tears in his eyes.
Minghao then grabbed Hoshi arm.
" T-Tell Y/N and Hua, I love them s-soo much," Minghao said.
Then he loosened his grip on Hoshi and then let go.
Hoshi stood there yelling his name but no response from him.
Hoshi sat there and cried.
His best friend of eternity died tragically right in front of him.
Hoshi put Minghao in a long box and carried Minghao to the car and laid him on the back seat. He drove back home.
Hoshi finally made it back home and went straight to your house.
It was a bit late but surprisingly you were still up be aide you were worrying about Minghao not coming back to you.
But your thoughts interrupted as someone was banging on the door.
It took you a while to answer it.
You looked out the window and opened the door. Hoshi was all bruised up.
You let him in.
" Hey Hoshi, What's wrong?," you said concerned.
" I got attacked by Xinlong but won eventually," he said.
" Omg please tell you didn't kill him?," you said looking at him.
He shrugged his shoulders.
You sighed.

" Where's Minghao?," You said slightly worried.
Hoshi then looked up at you.
" Please Tell me what happened?," You said tears forming in your eyes.
" Minghao..." he said and paused.
" Minghao what?," you said shedding a tear.
" He didn't make it," he said looking down.
You then paused and realized what he just said.
You immediately broke down.
Hoshi comforted you.
" W-what happened to him?," you said with bloodshot eyes.
Hoshi explained.
" YOU DON'T FIGHT OVER A GUN HOSHI!!!," you immediately snapped at Hoshi.
" IT WASN'T COMPLETELY MY FAULT," he said putting his hands up.

Nayeon then went into the noisy room.
" Hey What's going on guys?," she said rubbing her tired eyes.
" Hey babe,Minghao just Died," Hoshi said to her.
" OMG," she said surprisingly.
" IT WASN'T MY FAULT!!," Hoshi yelling back.
" Then how's fault was it then?," you said looking at Hoshi.
He paused
" It was kinda my fault," he said looking down.
" What even happened ?," she said.
Hoshi explained.
" YOU DON'T FIGHT OVER GUNS!!", Nayeon said yelling at Hoshi.
" I HAD NO INTENTION ," Hoshi said.
" That is very unsafe," she said looking at Hoshi in Disbelief.
" Look he was going to shoot Minghao right in the head, I had to do something," Hoshi said.
You shook your head in disbelief. Tears starting to fall down your eyes again. Nayeon comforted you.
" I'm so sorry Y/N," Hoshi said.
" JUST GET OUT!!!," Nayeon said to Hoshi.
" BUT-," Hoshi got cut off by Nayeon.
" I SAID GET OUT OF HERE, WE'RE OVER!!," Nayeon Yelled.
Hoshi then looked at you guys for the last time and left angrily.
Hoshi drove off in the middle of nowhere to dump Minghao in the ocean.
There will be no funeral because Minghao only had his caring mother but is now dead, abusive father who doesn't care about his well-being, His brother who doesn't even love him, and never knew the rest of his family.
Hoshi finally made it to a big lake.
He then got the long box with Minghao in it and pushed it into the ocean.
Hoshi just sat there hugging his legs and cried.
" I'm so sorry Minghao,"  he said with endless tears coming out.
You could not sleep that night. You were thinking about how your loving boyfriend, your soulmate died in the hands of his best friend.
You were reminiscing about times you and Minghao had.
You were also thinking about Hua growing up without her father by her side. That broke your heart even more. You were completely crushed. You had a broken heart and it stopped you from sleeping.
Nayeon went in your room the next morning and saw you peacefully sleeping.
She went over and woke you up but you did not respond.
" Wake Up Y/N, Hua is crying," she said to you.
You still didn't respond.
Nayeon then looked at you to check if you were breathing....
You were no longer breathing.
She had tears in her eyes.
She tried to shake you to wakeup until she stops.
" Please Y/N wake up," she said crying.
You did not move.
Nayeon cried for a bit.
Nayeon then got Hua and took her to daycare.
She came back and dumped you in the ocean.

There was no funeral because you had no family member on your side besides your parents. But they were no longer living.
You died of a broken heart.
Nayeon adopted Hua and was now apart of her life.
She worked full time at a candy company and would always have to for Baby Hua who is not 5 years and is in School.
They live a good life and Hua had a bright future ahead of her like you and Minghao wanted her to have.

The End.

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