Disastrous Maid Cafe

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A/N: may contain fowl language, also I don't own the art or characters!! Either way, enjoy!

Daichi's pov

I walk side by side with my best friend Sugawara Koushi, we're heading to school as we do every morning, but, today is different, instead of going to volleyball and having morning practice, we will be hosting a fundraiser for volleyball. Though Yachi's posters got us many donations, the team is still short on money for the upcoming tournaments, so, after Tanaka jokingly suggested doing a 'Maid Cafe' bake sale, with the girls' team, everyone agreed to this date. The teachers had somehow approved it, and the whole school knows about it, so surely people will come. Coach Ukai said he'd provide pastries from his store, Takeda-Sensei was baking cupcakes, Yachi made Daifuku, (a popular Japanese dessert) And Kyoko was making some cookies, much to Tanaka's and Noya's disappointment as this meant she wouldn't participate in the actual 'Maid' part of the cafe. See everyone, the players, that is, would wear a uniform, the boys will dress as butlers and the girls as maids. Yui Michimiya, a classmate of ours, got the costumes ready. Suddenly, Suga interrupts my train of thought.

"I'm kinda nervous about today," he scratches the back of his neck, clearly anxious "like, what if the suit doesn't fit right or if I trip and spill a drink on someone?" he worried endlessly.

"Stop freaking out," I calmly reassure him "you sound like Asahi doing all that worrying, you're going to look great, and you won't fall." he blushes and I admire how absolutely angelic he looks.

My feelings for Suga have grown ever since our first year in high school, we were friends, teammates, allies, then best friends, but now, I'd like to be more. His kind personality, motherly instinct, gentle voice and angelic face had me so deeply in love with him, I already knew there was nobody else for me, and even if he chose to be with someone else, I'd have to accept it because I can honestly say I only want what's best for him. But recently, I've been feeling more confident in my chances with him after he came out to the team as gay, his courage was admirable, I wish I had the guts to do it. My parents know, and they are supportive, but no one else except Asahi has a clue. He flat out asked me if I had a crush on Suga, and my inability to answer gave it away, he is also very supportive. I can't confess, we've been friends since elementary school and I can't risk losing what we already have. I look back at my long time crush, whose babbling about how clumsy he is.. Adorable.

"-even just yesterday I tripped over nothing TWICE while we walked home!" he finishes, whining like a baby. I sigh and look forward, smirking to myself as I get an idea.

"How about this," I start, not looking at Suga, "I'll stay with you all day, to make sure you don't fall OK?" I blush, anticipating his answer to be a laugh or something.

It takes a while before he says anything.

"Promise?" he almost whispers.

My blush grows darker at how erotic his voice sounds whispered, swallowing hard, I turn to him with my regular smile, "Cross my heart!" lifting my pinky, I offer it to him.

"And what if I fall?" he intertwined our pinkies, sealing the 'pinky promise'.

"I'll be right there to catch you." I watch as his face turns pink, from the tip of his nose to his ears.

Perfection takes shape in Sugawara, charming smile, shiny hair, slim, with a hint of muscle, body, from the outside, he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. His personality, however, is somehow even more breathtaking, his happiness lights up the room, gentle words from him can cure any sadness, and his sass... You'd only know if you were close to him, but Suga can be so very sassy. It's kinda hot.

We arrived at school a few minutes later, heading towards our club room, as that's where everyone was meeting. I opened the door for Suga and we stepped inside to see most of the team dressing up in suits and ties. Tanaka ran around half naked, Asahi was fixing Noya's bow tie, Tsukishima complained about the whole ordeal to Yamaguchi, and finally Kagayama was yelling at Hinata for stealing his pants.

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