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cookie pov:

this is a backstory of tina and cookie of what happened.

tina called me if i want to go to the park with her and i said yes.i take my water bottle and more stuff in my bag and to the park i went.i meet up with her at the entrance of the park.

cookie,u here tina said

yep,shall we go i asked

yea she answered

we went in and saw a lot of people there in the morning.we squeezed through the people there and get to a less crowded area.we took some picture and then we go take a break after walking for so long.after that tina suggest taking a picture while she on a bench.

tina,its dangerous i said

it will be fine she repiled

if u said so i said then sigh

i went into position,tina take out her phone and stand on the brown wooden bench. she put the phone into position and take a shoot of me and the background of tree,people,grass,flower and some insects.she gonna get down from there when she slipped and fell and then it became very blurry.

i dont know what happened next and when i woke up i laying on the bed in the hopital with a doctor by my side checking on me.

half an hour later,someone came through me door,it a boy with a blue t shirt and mud all over him.he talked to me and chat a but then he left.i dont why i smiled at him i just feel like it.

ryan pov

the next day,i continue to explore the Neighbourhood. i saw a lot of thing like a Mexican restaurant and McDonald. i went to the mall after and look at all the thing i could buy and went back.when i went back,i saw................

a bit of a short chapter,i make the next one longer see u next time bye

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