14: Thorns

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The creaking of the floorboards could be heard during the afternoon as Taehyung anticipated on this specific time, the sunset. He was eager to go and see Jungkook, to talk to him.

The warrior finally reached the entrance of the jail. Taehyung mentally prepared himself to possibly see the worst. His footsteps echoed the rows of cells, most of them left dirty and consisted of rats and mice scurrying around the premises.

All of the cells were all empty as the warrior stepped deeper and deeper into the jail, the sunlight slowly disappearing as he went down the corridor.

Taehyung soon set his eyes on the only occupied cell, Jungkook's cell.

The sight caused Taehyung to be on the verge of tears. There before him was his soulmate, his rags left unclean and contained new rip marks, his body still shaking in fear from what had happened to him.

Jungkook's back was facing the front of the cell as he curled up into a tight ball, his head buried in his knees. Small whimpers and sobs could be heard from the poor villager.

Jungkook's state in the jail cell permanently burned a mark in Taehyung's heart, he hated to see him like this. He slowly crouched down so that he was at the same eye level as the prisoner.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung spoke gently as if he was speaking to a startled animal, trying to soothe the already shaken male.

The voice was very familiar to Jungkook, like a musical melody, as it flowed into his cell. The villager suddenly stopped and lifted his head slowly. He couldn't believe it was his voice, maybe he was hallucinating. As soon as he turned around, he saw him, Taehyung.

They both locked their eyes again, examining each other, making sure it was not a dream. They both felt transported back to the first time they met, during the performance.

The magic of that night came back towards the two lovers even in a rough environment of the cell. Jungkook inched closer towards the fighter, the bars being the only thing stopping him from hugging Taehyung.

"Taehyung..." Jungkook began, fumbling with the words, looking both guilty and shameful for what he had done.

"I'm so sorry..." A tear trailed down Jungkook's cheeks, the speck of liquid being reflected from the dim light of the tinted windows, the only brightest light in the whole jail.

"Jungkook, look at me." Taehyung's deep voice calmed Jungkook down as he stared back at Taehyung, only with teary eyes. The warrior noticed there wasn't any hope or happiness in his eyes anymore, not like he used to have.

"I know it's not your fault, please don't blame yourself. It hurts me too to see you like this." Taehyung snuck his hand through the bars and placed his hand over Jungkook's, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

Taehyung's heart started to break as he spoke to Jungkook, trying to give out as much hope as he could. Indeed he was scared, Jungkook might not be with him when the next day arrived. He knew he had to make as much time with him as possible at that moment.

Jungkook felt quite comforted having Taehyung come to see him. He was glad that he could talk to the person that he loved, even though it could be his last time.

The fear of the death sentence caused the two lovers to both cry in silence, clutching their hands together, too scared to let go.

"T-Taehyung..." Jungkook sobbed, managing to break the silence.

"P-Please tell my mother I love her..."

Taehyunng hesitated for a moment, he suddenly remembered that Jungkook never got to say goodbye to his mother. It was too late.

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