Ecstasy: II.

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"Well, what the hell are you waiting for? We're going to  the car!" Mitsuki yelled, pushing Shoto and Katsuki towards her car.

"I need my stuff, Mrs. Bakugou."

"Hah? Actually, your mother already gave some outfits suitable for the occasion! Your suitcases are in the back, by the way." The ash blond female retorted, shoving the pair into the back passenger seats.

"Calm down, old hag!"

"Don't call me that!" She demanded, buckling in her seatbelt as soon as she got inside. "Oh- Shoto, right?"

"Yes, ma'am?" Shoto replied, looking at Mitsuki while buckling his seat.

"Call me Mitsuki."

The ash blond female started the engine, driving off to their destination.

Shoto thought it was a bit odd that Katsuki's mother wanted to be on a first-name basis right after they met. At this point, Shoto knew that Katsuki must have been talking about him with his mother numerous times. Although, it didn't bother him. He's grateful that one of his friends actually treated him on his birthday. With their parents, too? Shoto felt special at this point.

"Mrs.- Mitsuki?"


"May I ask where we're going?"

Mitsuki smiled softly, stopping at a traffic light and looking at her son. "Well, you'll see. If you get bored, just know that Katsuki's there."

The ash blond male sighed, looking out the window. His mother knew almost everything about him. She was like his best friend out of school.

"Katsuki." Shoto spoke as the car moved once again.

"You're not calling me that." He replied, not making eye contact with the two-tone.

Shoto placed his hand on Katsuki's shoulder, only for it to be slapped away.

"I guess I'll call you Kat."

"What the hell?! That's-"

"No yelling in the car!" Mitsuki interrupted her only child.

The ash blond male scoffed as his eyes danced outside the window while passing the dark green trees. "I'll say yes if I'm fine with the nickname."






Mitsuki chuckled lightly, turning where their house was located.


"Boom boom boy?"


The two-toned male pondered what nickname Katsuki would've been fine with.


"What?" The ash blond asked in confusion.

"Your sweat's nitroglycerin, right? That tastes like caramel."

Katsuki blushed shade of deep red, putting a fist up his lips. His sweat tasted like caramel? Wouldn't Shoto like to know?


"Why not? It's a pretty cute nickname." Shoto smiled softly, looking up at the hood of the car.

"Because... The way that you explained how my sweat tasted... It sounded like you've..."

Shoto's eyes widened in realization as his smile faded away. Oh gosh, not in front of Katsuki's mother. "I apologize, caram- Katsuki. I don't think that sounds right, now that you've mentioned." He replied, rubbing his nape while turning to face the submissive male.

"Whatever. Since you cant find a nickname that I like, I'll just let you call me by my first name."

A couple of hours passed and the two males had a peaceful conversation. The two-tone even managed to make Katsuki chuckle a couple of times. Shoto was surprised, yet his attention was focused on Katsuki's shy chuckles which were absolutely euphonious. Shoto wished he had heard more of it. Katsuki should've laughed more often at school.

As the hours passed while Mitsuki drove. They had their phones to keep them awake, but there wasn't anything interesting on the internet nowadays. The two-tone grew tired, attempting to sleep. He closed his eyes a couple of times, yet his head just wandered slowly from left to right, eventually landing on Katsuki's shoulder.

The ash blond smiled softly, looking down at Shoto. He didn't want to push him off. Why would he? There was a reason he's been planning for this day. He was his crush, after all.

He rested his head on top of the two-tone's, drifting off to sleep as the car drove on a satisfyingly smooth road.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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