Eli Ayase

28 1 0

Type: cold, well-known in school, handsome, level-headed


Ships: Nozomi, umi

Quote: if we give up before we try, then nothing is going to happen.

pet type: fish

teacher of: Law

🧁 recommends chocolate for you
🧁 sometimes uses some Russian words when talking to you
🧁 sews any clothes you like
🧁 never misses your birthday parties
🧁 she most of the time agrees with you
🧁 comes to your home for writing homework
🧁 blushes when wants to talk about her true feelings (hug her if you wanna give her self confidence)
🧁 loves to have your head in her arms
🧁 too embarrassed to take your hand in public
🧁 can't lie to you

Anyone else? or more situations and actions of this character? just tell me in the comments.
Thank you for your requests❤

anime characters imagination (anime characters as boyfriend and girlfriend)Where stories live. Discover now