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Ranmaru was casually walking around
he bumped into Rio fucking ranger
Of all fucking people it had to be this twink
Ranmaru sighed
Ranger fucking slapped him
'Your a twink too' ranger replied
Ranmaru was v angry and walked off
Ranger checked to make sure no one could see him
Then he sung this....
'R-r-r-roll up to the party with my crazy pink wig but I can't get trough the door because my bootys too big 1% is human 99 is plastic'
Safalin walked around the corner
'Wtf ranger...'
Oh shit
'Stfu don't tell anyone or else I'll murder you'
'Your murdering people?!' Miley said happily
'Can I join?!' She asked
'No' ranger said
'CAn i jOin' midori asked
'Yes of course you can' ranger said
Midori and ranger spent the whole day together.
They went to the mall
Got their nails done
And their makeup
They became best friends
Then they went and killed people for no reason Cus they can
Safalin just cried in the corner
And miley laughed at her
Gashu was sick of everyone's crap....

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