When You Meet

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You were sitting in the security office, watching the cams, because Bonnie and Chica were at your doors. Your power was quickly dwindling, and you started to sweat nervously. 

"Shoot shoot shoot! 8 PERCENT!" You squeak. You check the lights, and they're STILL there! Groaning, you spin in the chair to distract yourself. Suddenly, the lights go out and the doors raise.

"Oh. Crap." You say. You hide on the chair and peek over the back of it. All is quiet, but you just know Chica and Bonnie are still there.

"Come on come on! Six oclock already!!" You plead. You bury your head in the chair. Suddenly you hear a screech, but it's cut short with an "Oww!"
You peek over the chair and see Bonnie standing there rubbing his neck,

"Freddy what was that for!" You blink your eyes, and a boy is standing in front of you.

"I never said you could hurt her!"

The one with purple hair rolled his eyes and stalked off.

"Are you alright?" You jumped.

"Y-yeah..." A boy with brown hair and stunning blue eyes was standing in front of you.

"You sure?" You nod and stand shyly up. He looks at you with a look that says "Okay,whatever you say, but I don't believe you."

"Okay... Well,I have to go. It was nice meeting you," He looks at you as he turns around.


"Y/N. I'm Freddy. See ya!" And with that, you blinked, and an animatronic was walking out the door once more.

 Toy Bonnie

It was your first night as a security guard,and you were scared shitless. Seriously.  Looking around nervously, you pick the flashlight up and flash it down the hall. Nothing,

Okay Y/n, we're doing good. You reassure yourself.

We can do this. You pick up the camera screen and flick through all the rooms. As you flash the Parts/Services room, you shriek at the sight of the old animals. You drop the camera thingy and cover your mouth. Suddenly the vents start groaning. You snap your head to the right vent. Clicking the light, there's nothing there. Yet. You check the cameras again, and see a blue rabbit about to crawl in the vent. He's staring at the camera and crouched by it. Putting it down, you try to calm yourself. There is then thumping coming from the right vent.

Oh no... You think. UHhh, what am I supposed to do?!  Your mind spazzes, and you can't remember. Oh! The mask!  You slip it on, quickly. Your breathing is very heavy inside of it. Suddenly, the blue rabbit came into your field of vision, Your breath hitched as he inspected the mask. You squeezed your eyes shut,  hoping it'd go away. You felt the mask slipping off.

"Hey. Are you OK?"Someone asks. You open your eyes  slowly, and try to yank the mask back on. But that someone has a strong yet gentle grip on it. "Hey? Hey hey hey!" They crouch down more to your height. "I'm not going to hurt you, ya know." You let go of the mask and stare at them. You shake your head. As you open your mouth to say something, you're intterupted.

"BONNIE!!!!! COME HERE!" Someone yells. His face falls. "I gotta go. I'm Bonnie." He flashes you a quick smile and runs off.


It was your 4th night of the job, and ALL the animatronics decided to pay you a visit. You were constantly having to rewind the music box and put the mask on. You had quite a few close calls. And it was only 2 AM. You were screwed, to say the least. You thought about giving up,but your life was kinda at stake here. And you didn't want to die. Flashing your light and rolling your eyes at Foxy, you sigh. Then, your flashlight won't flash, no matter how you aim it at the hall, it doesn't flash. A few seconds pass, and it works again, You sigh in relief. But that sigh becomes one of worry as you see Bonnie AND Foxy.

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