Chapter 9: Sansa

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When Sansa woke up her head was pounding. She rubbed her temples trying to work the pain away. She closed her eyes and sighed deeply. An image flashed across her mind, heated kisses and lust filled glances. Her fingers intwined with dark curls. Way to fucking go, Stark. You threw yourself at the loosest man in all of Westeros and he turned you down. What a loser!

Then she remembered a conversation, almost pained words.

"I very, very much want to rip that dress off that tight little body of yours. I want to make you scream my name as I give you a pleasure I'm sure has long been denied to you. I want you to remember it afterwards. I want you to want it when your head isn't swimming from alcohol. I want you to want me when you are sober. I will gladly oblige. I don't want you to regret inviting me into your bed, love."

She was in way over her fucking head. She stumbled to the bathroom and showered. She was hoping the water would leech the pain in her head away. She hadn't had nightmares last night like she usually did. It was warm, happy things. A dark warrior in yellow and orange silks fighting for a beautiful maid trapped by a mad king. It was like the fairy tales her mother would read to them before bed. Sansa loved the ones about brave men who fought for honor and love.

"Sansa?" Arya said quietly bringing her back to reality.

"Yeah?" She mumbled.

"I got pain meds and water for you." She answered.

Sansa drew the curtain to reveal her face and an arm, which she extended to her sister. Arya dropped the pain medication in her hand. Sansa popped them in her mouth and accepted the water from her sister. Arya sat on the bathroom counter as Sansa withdrew into the shower.

"Thanks, Arya. How's Talisa?" Sansa asked letting the water pour over her head.

"She's about the same as you. So... you want to talk about what happened last night?" Arya asked trying to sound casual, but her wicked teasing soaked through.

"There's nothing to talk about. I don't remember a lot. He was a gentleman. He brought me back to my room made sure I changed and got ready for bed with no issues. Then he left." Sansa said also trying to sound casual.

Arya scoffed. Sansa drew back the curtain to glare at her sister. Arya rolled her eyes.

"Well, the rumors flying around this morning were that you were making out pretty heavily in the elevator." Arya said raising an eyebrow in challenge.

"How would anyone know that there wasn't anyone in the elevator!" Sansa said her blood running cold.

Arya barked out a laugh. Then Sansa realized that she'd just walked directly into her sisters trap.

"I hate you." Sansa said gesturing for Arya to hand her a towel as she shut off the water.

Arya chuckled and handed her a towel. She walked out of the bathroom, leaving Sansa to get ready for the day.

Sansa settled for her hair in a ponytail, no make up, a v neck blouse, daisy duke shorts, and bikini underneath to wear for the day. She was slipping a pair of sandals, when she heard a knock on the door.

"Sansa. You're going to want to come out here." Arya called.

"Holy shit." Talisa's voice said.

Sansa came out of the bedroom to find a feast. There were all sorts of exotic Dornish cuisines. There were clear hangover foods present as well. Sansa reached in and ate a French Fry.

"Did you order the entire kitchen to be served to you, Princess?" Arya snarked At Sansa.

"I thought you ordered this." Sansa said as she froze.

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