A way out

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With the newfound axe the turtle now possesed, and some nearby comet palms, he decided to build a raft and finally get off the island.

He chopped palms, he collected fruit, he gathered it all like an irreplaceable loot.The turtle noticed the rhyming, and chuckled a bit, knowing that someone might look at a phrase like that, not realize the rhyme, and go back to check it.

After what felt like weeks, (because that truly did happen) the turtle finally had enough materials to build himself a raft. He used comet leaves to tie the raft together and build a sail. He took a 7 year supply of gümba fruits and was ready to set sail.

However, he still felt like he had one last thing to do on that island, something left unfinished...

There once was a turtleWhere stories live. Discover now