7 - Oni

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        Night has fallen, which means one thing. The demonic ninjas are back. I ditched my research at my apartment to come to Scott's house. He had texted me saying that he would be there with Kira. Isaac is helping Allison and Chris with something. Scott is on his own for this. I'm not going to let him fight against them on his own. Scott has a plan to keep the demonic ninjas out of his house for the night, but it won't work until his mom gets home. 

        Shouts are coming from Scott's house as I race up the front porch steps. I twirl my katana in my hand, prepared to go into battle. I've become pretty damn skilled with the katana. Back in France, we used to have battles with different weapons and I exceeded at using all of them. The katana is one of my favorites, although it will never beat my bow and arrow. 

        I open the front door, only to be pushed out of the way by someone. Expecting to see a demonic ninja, I twirl the katana over my head, quickly going into a defensive position. Derek is standing there, starting to wolf out. 

        I lower the sword, annoyed. "What are you doing here?"

        Derek eyes the katana. "Saving Scott."

        "No." I resist the urge to stop my foot, like a five year old. "I'm saving him. Go save someone else."

        The door stays wide open. The shouts and bangs louder than before. 

        Derek rolls his eyes at me before sliding inside of the house, growling. I roll my eyes, stepping inside. Everyone turns to look our way. Kira is hiding behind furniture and Mrs. McCall is dragging a bleeding Agent McCall out of the room. 

        "This isn't a freaking movie, Derek." I grumble, expertly swinging my katana around. "There's no need to make an entrance. Just walk through the doorway like a normal person."

        A ninja rushes towards me. I grin, raising my katana. Our swords clash together. Derek rushes past me, attacking the other demonic ninja. I swipe down as the ninja swings its sword towards my head. I duck down just in time. My katana slices the ninja's leg, but it does nothing to it. From the corner of my eye, I see one of them appear behind Kira. 

        "Kira!" I shout. I kick the one ninja away from me to grab Kira by her arm. I drag her out of harm's way. I hit the side of my sword against the ninja's head, only to have to stumble to the side a little. The two of them advance my way. "Let's do this." 

        The window behind me shatters into a million little pieces. Shards of glass fall down around me as the twins land on the ground on either side of me. A small piece of glass nicks my cheek. 

        I glare at the two of them. "What is with the ridiculous entrances?! Do you not realize that they will have to pay for that window to be replaced?" I cut through the air with my katana. "For crying out loud, just walk through the damn door."

        Both of them growl, standing up to their full height. I walk forward, swinging my katana around to defend myself. The twins join in on the fight, finding their own ninjas. One by one, everyone throws a ninja out of the house. Derek cuts in front of me, barely missing my sword as he pushes the ninja backwards towards the front door. I hastily follow them. I kick the demonic ninja in it's stomach, sending it flying backwards. 

        Mrs. McCall races towards the door, throwing something at the ground. A black line forms at the entrance of the doorway, sealing the ninjas outside. Thank you, Deaton.

        I regrip my katana, turning to Derek, blood boiling. "I had it under control!" 

        "I was just helping you." Derek pushes out his chest. 

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