Chapter:- 8

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Bianca's POV:

"Here." I heard his voice. I turned and saw him standing with a box in his hand. I gave him a confused look.

"What is it?" I asked him who was looking damn handsome in his police uniform. Well, I never thought that my husband will do this much risky work.

"Your phone. I bought it yesterday but I forgot to give you." He said placing it on my hands. I look at the box and again looked at him who was standing there looking at me smiling widely.

"But why?" I asked him still with confused face and he rolled his eyes.

"You are forgetting sweetheart that your so-called Uncle broke you phone in anger." He said smiling but my mind was stuck on his word. The endearing word. Sweetheart. My heart was beating abnormally.

"Come to your senses." He said waving his fingers in front of me. I chuckled.

"Can I open it?" I asked showing him the phone.

"It's all yours ma'am." He said and I smiled. I opened it and got shocked seeing Samsung S10. It was of golden colour and was shining. Looking beautiful. I know you guys must be thinking how can a phone look beautiful but this mobile is.  

"It's beautiful." I said looking at it. He chuckled.

"I thought you won't like it. I mean you might want iPhone as its in trend now-a-days." He said rubbing the back of his neck and I chuckled.

"I loved it." I shouted in happiness and hugged him snaking my arms in his neck. He held me by my waist as I literally jumped on him. I was hugging him then after sometime I realized what I did. I hugged him. Damn. I closed my eyes tightly biting my lips. My heart beat increased at our closeness. After sometime I decided to move back but was still looking down. I can't meet his eyes. I turned and opened my eyes. I looked at him from the mirror and saw him patting his left side of chest with closed eyes. I smiled. He is also affected. I started doing my hairs. Actually I'm getting ready for college. After sometime I heard him.

"I have saved my number. If you need anything just call me." I nodded and turned towards him. I took my bag from the shelf and looked at him who was struggling with his laces. I went towards him and started knotting it. 

"You just have to ask me. Why do you do it by yourself when you don't know how to knot?" I asked him while knotting another shoe's lace.

"I love it when you come by yourself." I chuckled at his answer. I stood up when I was done and he also stood up. Then we went down and found the living room empty. Of course it would be empty. Both the ladies are in the kitchen I think. We went in dining hall and saw Aunt Mia setting the table.

"Good Morning." We greeted sitting on our chairs and she smiled.

"Good morning." She said smiling at us.

"I wonder what's the condition of them? How are they managing without you?" I said thinking about my Aunt and Uncle.

"They called her today at 7. Asking her to come back or else they will never take her in that house ever. I gave them a good answer. Bloody money suckers." Aunt Maria said in anger.

"Who is dying to go there? You are not going there Aunt. Live here only." Jacob said and she smiled. Actually no one calls him Jacob. So I decided to call him by his name. But I haven't called him yet. I sighed.

"But what will I do sitting here all day? I have to earn for myself. I can't depend on anyone." She said smiling.

"Only one month more Aunt. After that Aunt Maria's bakery will be ready. Then you can help her there also. She rocks in baking." He said smiling at her.

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