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Uhhh Rick..... What are you doing? I thought we already made this.

Quiet! I'm trying to think.

Come oooon. Do we really have to do this? Why?

Because! I really want to re-write my Deztrap x Reader!


Why not?

Because I love you!

Awwwwww, come on!


Great! Oh- Deztrap look! Someone is actually reading this! Hello there, my good fellow! You are Miss/Mister y/n, yes? Great!!! So anyway! Let's get started!

Aren't you forgetting something?

I am? ......Oh! So guys, this in going to be super realistic(definitely...), except for one thing! Deztrap will somehow gain the ability to turn human! But, saying how will ruin the story so... And the other thing.

This: (💜) means Deztrap x Girl Reader Lemon

And This: (🏳️‍🌈🖤) Means Deztrap x Boy Reader Lemon.

ANYWAY! Let's get started.

[OLD]Keep Your Cool (Deztrap x Girl/Boy Reader)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now