Chapter 9: I'm Sorry

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Your blood freezes and your heart stops. Suddenly, you sprint past him, full speed. Try to, at least.

He grabs your arm. "Red light." He says tauntingly as he looks back at you and you struggle to get away. He pulls you towards him and you fight him with all your strength but it was no use.

"L-Let go of me!!!" You scream as he grabs your arms, making it where you couldn't move them, and gets close to your face. I would have fought back, if you weren't fighting against a 300 pound robot. "I don't think I will."


He gave you an unreadable expression as his left hand slowly went up your arm, to your shoulder, then went to your neck. To your surprise, his hand didn't stop at your neck and it went up to your face. "Because I -łøv£ ¥øų!- want you to -řųñ
@₩@¥!- understand."

"Understand what?" You were not afraid anymore, oddly.

"You can't - Save Them - leave."

"Why not???"

"You were brought here for a reason."

"How do you know!?" He brought his left hand to to side of his face but before he could touch anything, his eyes suddenly went back to normal and Deztrap fell to to ground, twitching.

You look down at him, he was on his hands and knees, looking like he was trying to catch his breath. Which was not possible because he was a robot so he didn't breath.

You took a couple steps back. He stood up, his eyes purple again, but his eyes flickered back to normal yet again and he was the one who back away from you. "G-Go! Run!!!" He yelled, looking like he was fighting himself.

You decided that that was best and sprinted full speed away. You ran to the main dining area and every animatronic there looked at you. Candy Cadet, Puppet, Rockstar Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Funtime Chica, Orville Elephant, Egg Baby, and Music Man.

It had just now occurred to you that you were crying as Orville approached you and put his hand on your shoulder. "(Ma'am/Sir)? May I ask why you are upset."

You sniffled and hugged him, the cold metal made you lightly flinch. He hugged back to your surprise and asked what was the matter.

"I-I don't wanna talk about it." You weren't really scared. You weren't really angry. You were just really sad and confused.

Why would Deztrap do that?
Was that even Deztrap?
If not, who was it?

These questions filled your mind. There was the sound of gears grinding and padded footsteps behind you, coming closer. You were sure you knew who it was so you kept your eyes closed. "Y/n, I apologize for my actions....." You hear Deztrap say from behind you. Desperate for answers, you let go of Orville and turned to face him. Deztrap looked at Orville and nodded in thanks as Orville walked off.

"Why?" Was all you muttered.

"What?" Deztrap asked as he looked down at you, confused at what you meant by 'Why?'.

"Why would you do that to me!?!?" You yell, taking Deztrap by surprise, making his ears fold back. "I didn't..... I wasn't in control." He responded.

"What do you mean!?!?"

"Stop yelling." He growled in a demanding tone, which kind of scared you. He saw your scared expression and sighed. "I'm sorry. Look, allow me to explain. Ok?" You nodded so he gently took hold of your hand and led you back to the office. You noticed that, unlike before, the glass that blocked anything from getting out of the vents and into your office was shattered.

He sat down in your chair and sighed again. You just sat on the floor. "Now, before I tell you this, you must promise to stay where you are."

You tilted your head in pure confusion. "Don't run, and please, don't fear me. That's the last thing I want." He said. You hesitantly nodded.


I'm sorry for ending this chapter here-

No you're not.

Shut. The fuck up. Before I. slap the fuck. Outta you.

...... F you, ok.

Ha! No.

Rick, what the hell?

Anyway, See you later you little bunnies!

'Little bunnys'?

Yeah, that what I'm calling the readers.

...... I'm out. Goodbye.

[OLD]Keep Your Cool (Deztrap x Girl/Boy Reader)[DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now