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Dom ink x sub error

This was not requested but whatever.

Kinks: maid outfit, tied up, first time, oral, suberrorbecauseitscute.


Third person POV.

Error was sitting in his void knitting a ink doll. Tomorrow was ink's birthday and Error wanted to do something special, considering it would be ink's and error's first birthday together. Error blushed slightly remembering the other thing he was supposed to do, he had got (stole) a maid outfit from underlust for this special event.

Error smiled seeing the doll version of ink finally finished. Error decided that right now would be a good time to rest so he could get up early to get ink's other present ready.

(Time skip brought to you by ink smashing error *insert Lenny face*)

Ink's POV.

Error had told me to come over today for my birthday presents, knowing him it was probably something homemade. Which meant it was from the heart for me. I smiled slightly before opening a portal to the anti-void and walking though before closing it. I looked around for error before spotting a small box. I went to the box kneeling down and opened it. Inside the box was a small doll look a like with a note. I put the doll in my pocket smiling before reading the note. 'Hey Kiki! Follow the string on the floor for your other present, I wanted to do something special. Happy birthday!
                                      -Ruru aka Error's

Third person POV.

Ink smiled and started following the string on the floor thinking of what it could be. After a couple minutes of walking ink came across error blushing madly in a maid outfit tied up in his strings having a female ectobody formed. Ink blushed seeing error but it turned him on. "E-error?" Ink ask unsure what to think.

Error looked at ink still blushing, "H-happy birthday k-kiki!" Ink went to error and held his face in one hand. "Is this for me?" Ink smirk slightly while error nods hesitantly.

"Are you sure about doing this? I mean, it's not like I don't want to, but still!" Ink ask unsure. Error smiled slightly, "of course I am." This response cause ink to smiled and kissed error.

Error kissed back still blushing smiling in the kiss. Ink licked his tongue across Error's teeth asking for entrance, error of course, opened his mouth giving ink full access. Ink started exploring his new territory licking error's tongues in the process. Error moaned softly in the kiss already getting a little wet. Ink smirked and pulled from the kiss attacking error's neck.

Error moaned slightly at one part of his neck causing ink to abuse that spot. Ink took off error's maid outfit and undergarments somehow while leaving error tied up in his strings.

Error moaned as ink abused his sweet spot. Ink bit down softly licking up any blood that came out marking him. Error was already wet and was rubbing his legs together for any type of friction, that was until ink stopped error from moving anymore causing error to whine. "Don't worry, you'll get what you want soon enough~" Ink whispered in error's 'ear'.

Ink started sucking on one of error's breast while massaging the other one causing error to moaned. After a couple minutes ink switched breast sucking on the other one. Error continued moaning until ink got bored and left his breasts going lower until he got to error's flower.

When ink looked up at error he saw error blushing and looking away. Ink smiled knowing he was the cause of that. Ink started licking error's entrance causing error to moaned for never feeling anything like this. Sure, he would masturbate during his heat but this felt different. It felt better. Ink suddenly put his tongue inside of error trusting it in and out causing error to moaned loudly.

Ink continued doing this for only about 5 minutes before error came moaning ink's name loudly. Ink smirked and licked all of them 'juice' up. Error was already panting. "We're not done yet~" Ink said as he pulled down his pants just enough for his member to pop out. Error blushed and looked away. Ink tease error's entrance causing him to whine. "I-ink, please..."

Ink smirked, "please what?" Error knew ink wanted him to beg so he glared at ink. "You know what I mean." Ink pulled it away causing error to whined more. "Beg." Ink said huskily. Error blushed but did as told, "ink please fuck me until I can't walk, until I past out, please fu-ahh~!" Error moaned from pain and pleasure as ink went into him. Ink waited for error to tell him what to do. "Y-you can move..." Error said quietly but loud enough for ink to hear. Ink started at a slow pace but built up speed and harder fast. Error was a moaning mess coming again after a while with ink not long after. Ink pulled out from error gently and untied him. Error was panting and breathing heavily.

Ink lay down and pulled error on top of him. "Best birthday ever." Error smiled slightly and cuddled ink with ink cuddling back.


Done! *wipes nosebleed*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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