Opener: Taken Away

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It all started on one silent night that was ended very quickly with an abrupt opening of the door. Rend, now eleven, awoke from his bed as his mom shook him to wake up in panic. Something bad was happening. Something really bad. A young girl, Rend's sister, sat up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. She was merely four years old.

"Rend!" his mom tried to whisper with the great panic "Rend! Get up and take your sister to the hidden basement! Now!" She was frantic. At the time Rend didn't understand what was going on.

"What is it mom?" Rend asked sleepily, still not fully grasping the situation he was in. "Why are you waking me up at three in the morning?"

"Mommy... I'm tired..." the young girl said with a drowsed look on her face. She was probably still half a sleep at the moment.

"Its okay, just go with Rend to the basement and take a nap there. Alright? Alright?" her voice rose in panic the longer she stayed there. It was clear that they were short on time.

"But-" Rend was cut off by his mom who had pushed them to the underground basement that was well hidden. It was dark so Rend turned out the light which did not go any brighter than dim.

"Rend... Whats wrong? Whats happening? I'm scared..." the young girl spoke as her lip quivered. She was frightened and scared.

"Its alright. Just take a nap Tsuki. It will all be fine soon enough" he gingerly spoke before singing a two second tune that knocked her right out. He placed her on the bed before hearing a loud crash from outside. In panic he cracked open the hidden trap door that lead to the basement enough for him to see a bit of what was going on outside. It was horrid. The whole two story house had been crushed with his mom and dad standing in the middle both seemingly unharmed. The relief that brought him only lasted for a second for he realized two things. One, they were tense, scared, and immobile. They were like two deers in the headlights of a car. Two, beside the wrecked house was a large mechanical machine about three times the size of a human. It was well armed and inside the machine sat a young four maybe five year old boy. He had dark skin, white hair, and a pair of eyes that saw this as nothing more than a game. He had large ear muff styled headphones. What was this machine?! It had the force to destroy a whole house in one blow. If that was not powerful, he did not know what is. Quickly, in the blink of an eye, his parents were killed. It was too fast for him to see how but he knew they were dead. Dead. His parents were dead.

He could not believe it. His parents... were dead... He... He and Tsuki were now orphans weren't they? This couldn't be possible. His parents were special! They could do things most could not! They has so much skill that they should be unbeatable! But...But this young boy with this machine... killed them like an ant... The clattering of feet hitting against the floor echoed. These were the regular troops... They were probably searching for them. The kids. Himself and Tsuki. Normally he would try to do something though... The uncanny sight he had just seen had stunned him. In 30 minutes of digging up rubble and finding the basement, Rend and Tsuki were found, captured, and taken away to who knows where. What did they want? Why did they have to take him? Why did they have to take Tsuki? Why was this happening to them?! He had a perfectly normal life just this morning!

Four Years Later

Sirens screeched through the air and ricochet from wall to wall. It was ear breaking loud though somehow the sound of motors turning wheels and the footsteps of foot soldiers still stood out greatly. Clap. Clap. Whirl. Whirl. There was no end to this torture was there? Rend stumbled over his feet though managed to regain his balance as he sped up before he fell to the ground. His once short bright pink hair had grown long and became a dull brown color during his time in confinement. It had been ages since he had gotten a chance to get out though it was because he had never had the reasoning to. Clap. Clap. Whirl. Whirl. Those machines! Those men! That sound! It brought back horrid memories and he couldn't bear with them though he had to get out. Tsuki! Tsuki! She was being taken away right when he had found out she was in the same confinement as him. Tsuki! It was all he had left! He couldn't loose her too!

It was clear that the troops and the riders were getting irritated with Rend because the clattering of shoes on the ground picked up in speed along with the speed of the wheels. There was a click as the foot soldiers readied their weapons to shoot and the sound of charging of the machines. The machines were nothing in comparison to the one he saw four years ago. For a second Rend turned around and sent out a loud screech that forced all of them to a stop and the weapons to break from stress. He continued on his break out and with time made it to the exit of the confinement.

He was only half a mile away from the train station where Tsuki would be deported and sent off but he was out of breath from trying to escape. He took two seconds to take a breath before he darted off to try to get to the station. If he was right, she would be leaving in five minutes. He should be able to make it right? Right?!

He ran up to the train as the two guards pointed their guns at him. Before they could do anything though, Rend sang a soft tune knocking them out nearly instantly. Four years did not go to complete waste. There were a few people there who knew how to get around these men and Rend was taught by them. He ran up to the train. There were many box carts. Some held people and others held supplies or animals.

"Tsuki!" he yelled before taking a few breaths "Tsuki! …... Tsuki! Tsuki! Where are you?! Its Rend! I want to take you away!" He looked around frantically for her. "Tsuki!" Rend shouted again taking many large breaths. Where was she?! She had to be here! She had to!

"Rend!" A hand reached out of the windows of a box cart and yelled out with the voice of an excited Tsuki.

"Tsuki!" Rend shouted as he ran over to try and grasp her hand only for the train to rocket off when they were only a mere inch from touching. He tried to speed up and catch up though his fatigue made that nothing but a distant dream. "TSUKI! TSUKI!" he shouted hoping that maybe if he shouted loud enough that she would come back and be with him. Though even he, who could do magnificent things with his voice, could not bring Tsuki back just by calling her name. He fell to his knees and began to sob. He was so close to saving her. Being able to escape with her. Being able to make sure she was safe but now... Now she was gone. Further than she had ever been and now he could not get to her. Now he did not know where she was. Now... He had nothing...

The clattering of feet came back again but only as a faint whisper. Somehow, Rend managed to get himself to stand up. He had to go. If he didn't it would be too late. He would be captured and have no chance for anything. Maybe to him that would be the better thing, though it wasn't something he would be able to do easily.

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