the duck needs sleep i guess

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This is what my life has come to

Ships: fluffybird, platonic or romantic, leans towards romantic I guess? Eh I'm too tired to actually care it's whatever you the reader wants.

The morning was surprisingly normal for once. Sketchbook and Manny were on the floor drawing and having a nice conversation. No one was yelling at Shrignold to shut the fuck up about Malcolm, because Shrignold wasn't there he was attending some business in the love cult no one has seen him for a few days. Tony and Colin were on the couch talking about whatever and Larry was next to them, just being there most likely spacing out again. The kitchen group were, y'know in the kitchen just being the mental cases they are. Harry was at work and Robin was also in the kitchen just the opposite side of the kitchen group making a cup of coffee. Why coffee? Because he hasn't slept in 152 hours and at this point it's the only thing keeping him from passing out. And again wHy?? Because after a while of dreams not exactly being the nicest (because getting eaten alive by a giant can definitely does something to you) thing he just ended up not being able to sleep. He would go to Larry because y'know Larry, dream teacher, you have to be sleep sleep to dream dream. But hAHa since when does Larry know anything? HahA when does Larry have decent advice to give hAhA.

Anyways, yeah the green duck boi has been doing this for a while now. Wake up, get some coffee to not pass out because that would freak out everyone, mostly Manny. Then spend a lot of the day getting stressed a lot because no one can solve their problems like a civil person, then before Harry gets home go for a walk in the woods and spend an hour under a tree, maybe sleep for like 5-15 minutes, read a book he brought with him, and then go back home. Robin would try to avoid Harry without making it extremely obvious he was trying to avoid him, but yeah spaghetti man noticed it but figured he was tired and needed space. But Harry was worried about his friend, he asked everyone in the house bUt LaRrY if they knew anything.

none of them knew but they all wanted to know what was up, especially Manny, he wanted mom friend to be ok. And then when they all asked Robin kept insisting it was nothing and while honestly they should do something a bit more author wants to drag this story on a bit so no one's using common sense right now.

So time skip to like 1:58pm and yEah Manny fell down some stairs so that was something to worry about. Gilbert and Colin were at each others throats, again but Tony helped out with that one so that wasn't much for Robin to worry about for once. Larry was just writing something down and the healthy gang... he stays away from them as often as possible so really as long as they don't set the kitchen in fire... again he doesn't really check on them. BuT they set the kitchen on fire so Robin and basically everyone else there were putting out the fire. After putting out the fire it was now 2:35, Harry should be back in a few minutes so Robin headed towards the door.

"Harry should be back in a few minutes, you all know the one thing I tell you not to do so please just don't break anything." And with that Robin left.

And all of hell broke loose.

Because Larry said something about green being a good color which pissed off Sketchbook and then a mini argument happened and then Sketchbook and Spinach can got into a fight because Spinach can said something that offended Sketch a l o t and then it's all suddenly a civil war. They all divided into 'team sketch' and 'team spinach can' with Tony trying to calm them all down.

"There is no reason to be starting a war because spinach can said orange wasn't crea-" The clock boi ducked to dodge a frying pan thrown at him.

"ThIs IsN't YoUr BaTtLe! ThIs DeCiDeS wHiCh Is LeSs CrEaTiVe!" Yelled Spinach can, now shooting a nerf gun directed at Sketch. Literally everything everyone could find was being used and thrown at each other. Knives, forks, pencils, markers, pillows, you name it, probably being used for war over fUcKiNg CoLoRs.

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