Chapter:: 30

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No one POV

Jacob got up before Ariel. He looked to his side at Ariel and saw she was having a dream, and not a good one. He also saw some dry tears down her cheek. He looked at her for some seconds and then kissed her forehead. Seconds later it looked like she calmed down. He got up and went to the bathroom..


Jacob just finished eating his break feast. He made a plate  for Ariel which wad set on the counter. He walked into the living room and flopped on the couch. He sighed, ran his fingers threw his hair and turned on the TV.

Jacob put it straight to the news and saw the line of words running threw the screen.

"Desolé Kiarra-Lee August ; Missing since yesterday ( Around 4:00) 5-Years old; Lightskinned ; Curly shoulder length hair; Dark brown eyes ; Answers too 'Kiarra' ; Any information found, please contact the number (Insert Number) or call local police station"

Seeing that only made Jacob sigh and run his hands threw his hair even more. He looked to the side and saw Ariel looking at the TV as well. He smiled at her

"Good morning mi amor" Prince hasn't called her that in a while so when she heard that she smiled.

He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"H-Hi Jacob"

"I made you break feast"

"Thank you Jake. But i'm not all that hungry right now.."

"No bae please eat ! I don't want you to be like those people who stop ea-"

"Okay Jacob"

Jacob smiled and let her go and she walked over to the counter. He walked over to the door and looked outside. He just sighed and looked around. 

Jacob noticed that next to the mailbox, there was a pink/purple looking scrungie. It wasn't there yesterday. 

Jacob opened the door and squinted his eyes to get a better look..

Jacob POV

What the fuck is that ? It looks like something Kiarra would wear. I started walking out the door when Ariel called me

"Jay ! Where you going ?"

"Oh um, just right here, by the mail ok ?"

"Oh, alright.."

I started walking again and got closer. The fuck ? That's Kiarra's scrungie ! I walked all the way over to it and saw some red stains on it. I picked it up and saw it was still tied and had like, strands of hair in it. Curly hair. And those red stains..


My immediate reaction was to drop it which I did.What the fuck is going on ? This is not no everyday thing where a scrunchie with blood stains on it appears..

I picked it up again and stretched it out, some of hair falling. I turned it around and looked at it closely. Some blood got on my fingers, most of it was dry. 


This is a sign

Of what these people are doing to Kiarra..

I sighed and was about to run my hand threw my hair, but quickly stopped dead in my tracks knowing this blood might get on my hair..

I got up and looked at it one more time. I looked left and right and noticed there was a white not stuck on the mail box. Perfect, a fucking note, don't get these everyday either..

Desolé Kiarra-Lee August ~ My Beautiful Desolé MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now