Crash Course (A Pierce the Veil love story)

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Hi, I'm Audrey, and this is the story if how me and my best friend Calista met our current husbands. Yes, you may wonder who they are. That's for me to know, and you to find out! Anyways, it all started summer of 2012, when my best friend and I went to Warped Tour together. We loved all the bands,knew every single song, but we were there for one band. Pierce the Veil. Our idols, the one band we would listen to every single damn day!

Well, anyways, we were standing in line outside their van, where they had a tent set up. We were ready to meet them! A good thirty minutes later, we got to the front of the line, no one behind us.

"Hey babes, what can we do for you?" Vic said with a wink. I've never been so sexually frustrated in my life.

"Ha Ha, we're just here to meet, well, uh, you guys, hehe," Calista said, trying to hold in her pee. I could tell, we were best friends, I knew when she had to take a piss, and she was just way too excited.

"Hey, babe!" Said Tony. He was pretty much the man of my dreams, and he just called me babe. INNER FANGIRL.

"Do, uh, you guys wanna chill in our van for a while?" Asked Jaime, bubbly and excited to meet new people, "It's a bit hot out here, and we got AC."

Of course, Calista was the first on the bus, "WHERE'S YOUR BATHROOM, I GOTTA PISS!" she exclaimed.

*face palm* "Calista, you fucking dumbass."

Vic walked in after her, "Right there, cutie!" He said, pointing to the back of the bus. Calista sprinted, her pink, blonde, and black hair flying behind her. She tripped in the process, which I had to laugh at! She turned around and glared at me.

"JUST GO PISS," I yelled at her.

We all got on the bus and sat down. Mike was last on the bus, with a goofy smile on his face.

"What's up with you, Whiskey Hands?" Asked Jaime.

"Nothing Jaime, shut up!" Mike started turning red

"Jesus, fine Mike!" Jaime yelled at mike, being goofy, "ANYWAYS," he said, jumping at me and into my lap. "Who are you and your friend?"

"Ha ha, I'm Audrey, and little miss "I GOTTA PEE" over there is Calista," I said just as Calista walked out of the bathroom.

She came and sat down next to me, and Jaime hopped from my lap to hers. Tony then came and filled in the empty space next to me, gesturing to a bottle of water he had, as if to ask me if I wanted it. I took the water bottle and smiled at him. He was so cute... I could just feel my stomach roar with butterflies.

Mike had been glaring at Jaime ever since he hopped into Calista's lap. I thought he might have liked her, but then again, every guy did, ever since middle school. Vic was on his phone, which was annoying Jaime, so he got up, snatched the phone from Vic and threw it, "BE POLITE WE HAVE HOT GUESTS!" Yelled Jaime.

I saw Calista blush, and I felt my face get hot with blushing as well.

"So anyways, tell us about yourselves," said Mike, smiling at Calista, who I knew was already in love.

"Well what do you want to know?" I asked.

"EVERYTHING!" Said Vic, in an awkward stalker voice, but it was cute!

So, Calista and I told them everything they asked about. Our families, which was probably the hardest for both of us to talk about. We both had family issues. We told them about our friends back home, how we went through eighth grade and high school together. We were sisters, and they saw that!

"And the whole time, we had your music to help us through it all! For the longest time, we've been listening to your music everyday. You guys are our heroes!" I said.

The boys all blushed and smiled at us, it was nice to finally meet them. "Well, you guys. We need your numbers!" Said Jaime.

"Of course! Number swapping!" Said Calista, going over to Mike first.

Tony turned to me and said, "Audrey, hey, I was wondering if I could have your number?"

I giggled. "Of course!" We switched numbers, and then before we all got off the bus, Vic demanded we have their bus driver take a pic of all of us together.

For the picture, Calista jumped on Vic's back, Jaime got on Mike's back, and then Tony wrapped his arms sound my waist and pulled me close. This was a magical moment, and a magical picture! It came our perfect. The driver took 2 pictures, and Vic sent them to all of us.

I checked my phone and I saw the second picture first. It was nice, we all were looking and making goofy faces at the camera. Then I saw the first one and melted! It was an accident picture, and it was perfect. Everyone else was getting ready while tony had his arms around my waist and we were smiling at each other. New background for sure!

"After the show, we will call you guys and you can come back here, okay?" Said Vic.

"Okay, sounds good!" Said Calista. We both giggled and walked off together to find a good place for the shows. This had so far been the best day ever!

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