Double Kill (tagged )

78 24 7

Tagged by : jaso134523 (will eat your potato chips later )

I got tagged twice for today 19/07/2020

Double Kill yay!

I don't know the question is but I just refer to their answer for the qutestion in their book.

Let's start !

1. Nickname : Cyko Techno (don't ask me why, my friends give me this nickname XD )

2. Eye colour : light blue (profile picture ) dark brown (IRL)

3. Hair colour : black

4. My birthday is : ?

5. Favourite colour : every colour is my favourite! But mostly blue (any kind of blue colour )

6. Favourite place : Dreamland

7. Favourite celebrity : ?

8. Favourite animal : wolf, dog

9. Favourite song :


Demon (Alec Benjamin) and more

10. Favourite book : I read a lot in real life, I read less in online (idk why)

10 thing about me

1. Love potato chips !

2. Male

3. 26 years old ? Forever 26 !!

4. I watch anime when I want to but I rarely watch them....

5. People tend to say I'm anti social in real life, weird, I talk to them quite a lot .....laughing like a maniac infront of them.

6. :/ This site cant be reached.

7. I play games, yeah ....

8. I like magic stuff, horror stuff....

9. I don't study because I dont understand them, friends often call me stupid and idiot.

1+1 = 5

10. Sometimes...I write my own song lyrics but I give up because I don't know how to start or to write the word........

Congratulations! Nobody is tagged for now tehehehe.

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