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Kenny was having one of the best mornings he'd had in a long time. In class he moved from his usual seat to sit with Craig and his  friends, Clyde, Tweak, and Token at a table in the back of the room.  They were actually pretty cool. He had been surprised that they accepted him so easily and even included him in the conversations. He wasn't really used to being talked to so directly, it made him feel a little shy. normally he just made comments off what his friends where saying to spice things up. Not to say he didn't like the change.

Craig snorted at Clyde who was trying to convince Tweak that the underpants gnomes might actually be trying to find his coffee stash.
"Ah- don't  say that!" The twitchy blonde said gripping the table until his knuckles were white.
Kenny patted tweeks back
"If they wanted your coffee, why would they be looking in your dresser? They would probably be looking in cabinets if that's what they wanted." Kenny said matter of factly
Tweek seemed to relax a bit at that and nodded  "Y-yea I guess your right"
Token rolled his eyes
It was about this time Craig looked up to meet the eyes of Eric cartman.
The fat boy had been staring at them all morning.  So had Kyle and Stan but not nearly as much as Cartman who had been staring constantly.
Craig narrowed his eyes at him
Cartman pointed at Kenny who was sitting beside Craig and mouth the words "Tell him to turn around dickhead"
Craig raised his eyebrows at him before putting his arm around Kenny's shoulders and whispering something to him that made him laugh. Craig turned back around smirking at the pissed off look cartman had on his face and lifted the hand that was resting in Kenny's shoulder to flip him off.
  Cartman pounded his hands on his desk
"Goddamn it!"
Mr Garrison looked up "Watch your mouth Eric."
Cartman scowled at the man and began to scribble in his notebook.
Stan flipped a page in the textbook
"Calm down fatass"
"You guuuys, Something is really fucked up with Kinny, he's sitting with those guys like we arnt even here!" Cartman whispered angrily
"It's almost lunch time." Stan said quietly
Kyle glanced behind him where Kenny was sitting with Craig's gang. "I'm sure this is some kind of misunderstanding." He said  looking back at Stan and cartman
"First, he gets on the bus with Craig. Then he sits with him, and they shared fucking headphones and now he's spent the whole morning avoiding us hanging out with those guys!"  Cartman clenched his fist "They must have brain washed him!"
Kyle pinched the bridge of his nose "that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" 
Stan stares down at his desk for a moment.
"Guys I think we really hurt his feelings"
Cartman shook his head
The bell rang while they were talking and Eric stood up ready to run over to Kenny and ask him what the fuck, but by the time he turned toward where he had been craigs crew had already cleared out. Cartman swore u felt his breath and hurried out of the classroom not even bothering to take his books.
Kyle face palmed " I'm not getting his shit for him" Stan agreed and shook his head

Kenny dropped his books in his locker humming under his breath. When he felt a poke from behind.
"Hey Ken ! Hurry up" Clyde chirped  impatiently
"One sec" he replied
Clyde nodded "You should come hang with us this weekend" he said resting his hand on Kenny's shoulder  as they walked toward where Craig and token were waiting
"I should?" He asked surprised
"Yea! They guys and I were going to plan out our Halloween costumes!" He said excitedly
Token nodded with a smile
"We usally try to coordinate costumes because it gets us way more candy"
Token said nodding with a smile
Kenny's cheeks turned pink and he looked at the floor token noticed this immediately
" Its ok Kenny we know you will probably wanna trick or treat with Stans crew, you can still come hang with us and have fun. We won't kidnap you or anything" Kenny looked up surprised feeling his stomach knot up "I'd like that he said softly" forcing back the sudden rush of sadness
Craig was about to ask him why he looked so sad when a High the voice erupted behind him
"Kinny what the o
Kenny stiffened immediately and turned around to face Cartman
"Ah hey man what's up." Kenny said looking pale
Eric pushed Clyde out of the way and moved to get right in the blondes face
"Dude!" Clyde exclaimed
"Don't Hey man me, Kinny what are you doing with these assholes."
Kenny stood staring at Eric with confusion. "Just because we tell you You can't trick or treat with us because your a poor piece of shit doesn't mean you can go be gay with fucking Craig Kinny." Sadness flashed in his eyes for a moment before he fixed Eric with a stone cold stare he lifted both of his hands flipping two middle fingers at him.
"I can hang out with who I want fat ass"
Cartman grab Kenny's arm and tried to drag him away but Craig reached out and grabbed Kenny's other hand and in one smooth moment cartman was in the floor and Kenny was being held against craigs chest.
" He wants to eat with us today you fat tub of lard, if you don't walk away I'm going to beat you fucking ass." He said evenly  Glancing at Token and Clyde who were on either side of him glaring down at the asshole.
Stan and Kyle walked around the corner just as they Craigs gang joined tweak and heading toward the lunchroom.
Kenny  stared at his lunch tray blankly while Token and Clyde were going on about what an ass cartman was.
" I'm sorry guys, they usually don't care whether I'm there or not. I didn't mean to cause any trouble"  he said keeping his eyes down.
Of course he couldn't have something like this, something so normal. He wasn't meant to
Be this happy. He was a dirt poor freak with nothing to offer.
  He felt warm fingers intertwine with his own under the table and looked up at the concerned faces of his new friends.
Token was the first to speak up "Oh dude that's messed up. It's not your fault."
"Yeah cartman is just an asshole about everything he can be an asshole about dude."  Clyde assured him
Tweak twitch sporadically "How can they no-t notice your gone that's fucked up!"
Craig rubbed this thumb across the back of Kenny's hand soothingly keeping his face stoic
"On the bright side it looks like your free for trick or treat then." He said
Clyde Pumped his Fist in the air "Oh yeah!"
"Hey that's right, do you wanna come
With us this year" token asked smiling
Kenny gave craigs hand a squeeze and smiled  at him greatfully.
"Do you mean it?" He asked hopefully
The all nodded
"The more people we have the less likely the gnomes are to come out" tweak said jittering  and taking a swig of his coffee
Kenny pulled his hood down with one hand and flashed them a huge smile.
"Hell yes then!" He said excitedly
  All of the other boys stopped a moment to stare at him. Clyde dropped the spoon of pudding he was about to eat.
Tweak dribbled coffee out of his mouth
Tokens jaw dropped and Craig's cheeks flushed red.
Kenny had a beautiful smile. Like a really fucking beautiful smile.
Oh no that's gay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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