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**A Family Dinner (II)**


"Are you here to help us in the kitchen?" Kyle asks suddenly while cleaning off the debris from the countertop.

Before Chloe could answer, she looks over by hearing the sudden authoritative tone of Gemma.

"Chloe can toss the salad," Gemma says enough for Chloe to hear. "You might as well get used to helping us out with Sunday dinner,"

Chloe doesn't reply but walks over standing across from Gemma, the island bar separating them both. "I'm here to help,"

Gemma walks over to the steel-designed fridge and pulls out three cartons of mixed salad, bagged vegetables, and puts out two wooden salad bowls in front of Chloe.

"Here you go, you get to chopping these veggies and we'll be all set to eat," Gemma instructs her before making her announcement. "Okay ladies, help me set the table,"

One by one Chloe watched Gemma, Kyle, Simone, Roxanne including the two other women exit out with various dishes in their hands. On cue, she reaches for the cutting board and knife beginning to chop the various veggies ranging from cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots. She opened the three cartons of mixed salad, tossing them into both wooden salad bowls and adding the chopped veggies.

"You must be Jaxon's, old lady,"

Chloe glances up to see one of the two unknown women from earlier standing across from her. She looks to her left then to her right, "Old lady?"

"Yeah, you're Jaxon's, old lady,"

"Do I look like I'm an old lady to you?" Chloe didn't mean to come off rude but it was kinda weird the woman was calling her his "old lady."

"I'm Rosalina but everyone calls me Rosa," She introduces herself quickly. "You must not know what old lady means,"

Chloe shakes her head as she tosses the salad with two wooden spoons, "No, but I'm Jaxon's girlfriend. I know he doesn't like the term but...he hasn't referred to me as his...old lady"

Rosa smiles, "Well, the term old lady means the wife or steady girlfriend of a club member,"

"Oh...okay," Chloe nods. "Are you... an old lady to one of the members here?" She asks walking over to wash her hands.

"No, I'm actually friends with Kyle." Rosa avoids Chloe's staring. "...but...I have this crush on Victor, so yeah,"

Chloe dries her hands, "Well, does he like him?"

Rosa shakes her head "No. I want to tell him but every time I see Victor I freeze up, stutter or become flabbergasted,"

Chloe nods wondering why Rosalina would be telling her all this information. "Well, I'm guessing you want to be his...old lady,"

"Yeah, I guess you can say that," Rosa answers with a smile. "Gemma is considered the main old lady,"

"The main...old lady?" Chloe stares confuse. "Like she's the queen or something,"

Rosa nods, "Yeah, pretty much. The Queen of the Ladies"

Chloe stares at Rosalina thinking about she was referred to as Jax's old lady and his mother, Gemma, being the main lady over them. She stands next to the dishwasher drying her hands with a paper towel before looking up to Rosalina.

"Are you comfortable with being referred to as Victor's old lady in the future?" She trashes the damp paper towel. "Like, seriously?"

Rosalina shrugs, "No, it doesn't bother me but I'm not with Victor, so I'm just a friend of a friend,"

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