chapter three

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1) well known by many people

2) or being very popular around the world and getting harassed by paparazzi every single day, you try to do something on your busy schedule.

2) or being very popular around the world and getting harassed by paparazzi every single day, you try to do something on your busy schedule

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FAMOUS. I didn't want to be famous. I didn't want to be popular. But I had to accept that, that was what I was now. I hadn't expect in a million year that I would be in a movie and have a world-selling record. With these things come with hard work and effort, and your awards for all of the hard work that's paid off. My hard work was paid off by being nominated, best adapted screen play.

This movie was called Maria Sanchez. Maria was a Mexican Hispanic Latina. In the beginning of the movie it shows how normal her family is, she has a stay at home mother, a hard working father, a 20 year old brother that tries to pursue his dream, a 10 year old sister. Then the movie goes on to show a few loving scenes, then Maria meets a person. A white person. At the time people were still racist as much as they were before the 'justice of all' was official. Which I tell you is not fucking official yet. So it wasn't normal for a Mexican Latina to be dating a white boy. But they did. She went to go meet his family, and when she did it didn't go as pleasant as she expected it to. They had made many racist comments about her race, and the dinner had became awkward. The scene goes on and next thing you know Maria is locked in there basement. The boy had kidnapped her because of her race. She tried everything to get out but she couldn't. She was slowly dying from, no food, no liquid in her body, no fresh air, nothing a human should have presented on a normal day. But then they kicked her out and she was free. She was trying to find her way back home but she was lost. Once she did find the house, she found out that her family had committed suicide with the last note the family had left in there house. The scene goes on to see the four family members driving themself off a cliff and into the lake. Then the scene goes back to see Maria crying on the floor with a wrist slit. Soon she dies waiting to join her family. She had thought the suffering was ending, but she was really just letting a soul who had gave up fly away off the earth into a new world.

The movie was touching. The movie was a movie to cry for days about. I played Maria Sanchez, and it was my first acting movie so I was putting as much effort as I could. But my movie wasn't the only sad movie nominated.

Call me by your name. Call me by your name was a sad romance movie, based off a book. Call me by your name took place in Northern Italy and the year of 1983. Oliver, a 24 year old graduate student assistant, stays at his teacher, Elios father, which is Oliver's archaeology teacher for the summer. Oliver then meets his teachers son, Elio Perlman, and that's where a 'friendship' had first developed. Elio decides to show Oliver around town. He does and some pretty iconic scenes happen. Elio and this girl, Marzia are hitting it off. Marzia and Elio have there first time intimate. Then they show that Marzia and Elio are developing a romantic relationship, as they show more hookups and making out scenes, Oliver has himself his own girl. Elio and Oliver decide to ride around town, and they lay in the grass for awhile. This causes their first kiss. Passionate. Filled with lust and love for eachother. Elio wants more but Oliver doesn't want to mess up anything. They go back home and soon Elio has a nose bleed. Oliver helps him and comforts him through the nosebleed, which shows them flirting. Elio realizes he likes Elio more than a friend. Elio and Oliver have sex, and when they wake up Elio acts as if he regrets having sex with Oliver, which makes him suspicious but soon confirms that Elio is not. Elio soon realizes he's bi-sexual. The two develop a secret relationship. Marzia notices that Elio is very distant, as she thought they had romantic feelings for each other after all the intimate sex they had. She runs by the house, and Elio confirms by his action that he isn't interested in Marzia. The more the scenes go on, the more that Elio and Oliver show more love to each other. It soon has to come to an end though. Oliver has to go home because it's now the end of the summer. Elio shows him by crying to him that he doesn't want him to go, but he can't make his opinion an real choice of decision. Before Oliver has to leave, the parents send them to have some fun alone as they notice close they've gotten. The two spend the day together. Soon the scenes shows Oliver leaving. Elio and Oliver can't show there love to each-other because  there in public, and Oliver is now on the bus heading back to his home town. It skips to a moments later Elio crying for how much he misses Oliver, and Marzia sees him crying in the car. She forgives him, and the two become friends again. The scene skips, and now we see Oliver and Elio on the phone. Oliver then reveals to Elio that he is getting married to a woman. Elio takes the news sadly, sits in front of the fire and cries. The end. Again, it was a sad romance story.

I couldn't help but cry at all the details in the scenes, all the work they put in, not only there hard work but the plot of the movie. It was a hard movie to get through. It was hard movie to film. You had to be okay with contract and list of things. This movie shows lust and love in every way.

I notice the man play Elio. I did some research, and it was Timothee Chalamet. Timothee Chalamet sounded so familiar. I didn't know why though. Then I realized that I was going to the same event, same place, as this handsome man. I was so excited and couldn't help but tell Madison about this. I fangirled all night to her until she got annoyed.

Can't wait and see what's in stock for this boy!


Hiiiii so like Timothee is gonna be in the next chapter but like hope you enjoyed this so yuh.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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