Chapter Five

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By the time Jisung awoke, not only was his shoulder aching, but his head hurt like hell, too. The distinct sensation of dried blood covered one side of his face, and he was sure that he wasn't a pretty sight to behold right at that moment.

A groan slipped past his lips as he attempted to lift his head where it had been bent over the seat of a chair. His eyebrows furrowed as slowly the fog that had settled over his mind lifted. He didn't remember getting in a chair.

He was alone in a metal-lined room; there weren't any windows, and his only source of light was the one dangling in the middle of the ceiling, swinging softly in an imaginary breeze.

Panic settled deep in his gut when he realized that both his arms and legs were tied together with layers upon layers of duct tape. He swallowed thickly as he forced his eyes open, attempting to keep his breathing as calm as he could, but he really couldn't do anything about the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

This wasn't the same thing – this wasn't them. He was fine, he just had to think. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, stilling his pounding heart as much as he could. Think, Jisung, think. Whoever had ambushed them had definitely known where they were heading. Something didn't add up.

The sound of a lock sliding out of place disturbed the thick silence of the room, and his eyes snapped towards it, body tensing as he glared as harshly as he could. The door swung open and someone stepped in, closing it behind him.

"Good morning, Han Jisung."


Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed as he stared up at the blank ceiling of the strange cell he was in. It wasn't familiar by any stretch of the word, but more so than that, who would even dare kidnap a gang leader and a gang leader's son.

Whoever had planned this abduction was either incredibly stupid or incredibly desperate.

There was the sound of a lock turning, and then the door opened. He sat as straight as he could, keeping his face as steeled as possible. He didn't recognize a single thing about the man that walked in. It was all very standard; dark suit, dark hair, and a broad, cocky grin.

A person of high stature, then.

He scoured his mind for any memory of him, a file or a meeting, once upon a time. He came up empty-handed as the man pulled a chair up in front of him, taking a seat. "If it isn't family head Hwang," he said, smirk curling up the edges of his lips.

"I wish I could greet you," he said as coldly as he could, watching the man's expression closely.

His smirk only widened. "Oh, you wouldn't know me." He said it off-handedly, and Hyunjin's eyes narrowed on him. He was someone from an out-of-city gang, then. So it was the Bangs that were behind this, then.


"What do you want?" Jisung hissed, eyes narrowed in a fiery glare as the man came to sit in front of him.

"Now, now, don't be so hasty. We just want some... information, if you will." He didn't like the look of this guy – he was greasy and cocky, and it struck a particular chord of discomfort within him, arousing memories he would really rather not have to think about in his waking hours.

He shielded his mounting distress the only way he knew how – feigning nonchalance. He leaned back in the chair as much as he could with his limbs bound as they were, repeating one thing over and over again in his mind. This isn't them.

Quirking a brow at the man, his lips spread into a smirk. "What makes you think I'll have any of that information?" he asked, allowing his grin to stretch dangerously.

Hostage {ℍ𝕐𝕌ℕ𝕊𝕌ℕ𝔾} -- DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now