Skyeward + Cooking Baking

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It wasn't often that there was good food on the Bus. That came from being in the air most of the time. Whenever they stopped to refuel, Skye and Fitzsimmons would run off to the nearest grocery store to stock up on some decent food. Rations actually sucked, don't let Ward or May fool you. The Bus even had a kitchen where they could cook. That didn't mean any of them knew how to cook. 

"Okay, Fitz, go get some steaks and other meat. I cannot stand having to eat preserved food from cans," Skye said as she took Ward's wallet out of her pocket. 

She had gotten rather good at slipping it from his pocket without the agent noticing. Half of the time she suspected that he let her, but she was getting better at it. Skye waved Fitz away and turned to Simmons. 

"You go buy some pasta and other good stuff."

"What are you going to get?" Simmons inquired. 

Skye just grinned at her friend and walked away. She scanned the frozen food isle for anything sweet. So what if she wanted to indulge? There hadn't been any kind of candy or treats on the Bus for nearly two months. She grabbed some ice cream. Well, she grabbed a gallon tub that had vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry. A package caught her attention as she began heading to the checkout. Skye picked it up quickly and then jogged to catch up with Simmons and Fitz. 

Later, when they got back on the Bus, they stored everything that they had bought in one of the fridges in the lab. It wasn't much of a hiding place since everyone knew exactly where the fridge was, but at least their food was stored separately from the rations. 

Skye had been playing a few computer games when she heard a grunt of surprise from Ward. She looked up when something cold landed in her lap. It was the package of chocolate chips that she had grabbed on impulse. She nudged it off of her lap with the back of her hand and turned her attention back to the familiar glow of her computer screen. 

"You bought stuff to make cookies with my money?" Ward demanded, nudging her laptop closed. 

"Hey! I was working on important things."

"You were playing computer games. Why did you buy cookie ingredients of all things?" the dark haired agent asked. 

Skye rolled her eyes and shoved the cold package of chips into Ward's chest. She held it there as she stood up.

"I wanted something sweet. Cookies are great. And I thought that maybe we could take a break from training and do something normal. Like bake cookies. In the kitchen. That we have to make good food. Not rations."

The look Ward sent her told Skye that he wasn't amused. After a moment, she realized that her hand still held the chocolate chips against his chest. In her haste to draw her hand away, the bag nearly dropped to the ground. Luckily, Ward caught it before they could hit the ground. 

"Think of it as a bonding exercise between agent and S.O.," Skye tried. 

Surprisingly enough, Ward agreed. On the condition that the plane was grounded. 

"In case there's a fire, Skye. I don't want the Bus to plummet from the Skye because you want to make cookies."

So that's how they found themselves practically alone on the Bus while everyone else was getting dinner. Unfortunately for Skye, they didn't have an electric mixing bowl. Strange how it disappeared the day that she was planning on making cookies Ward because she was sure that they had one before. 

Her arms were beginning to ache from trying to stir the flour, sugars, and butter together. Ward plucked the bowl from her grasp and began stirring the ingredients together. Skye frowned at the taller agent and yanked the bowl back.

"I've got it."

"You've been stirring for five minutes!"

"I've got it, Ward."

He shot her an annoyed look, but released to bowl back to her. She resumed her previous action of stirring the batter. The hacker blinked in surprise when she felt Ward come up behind her. The agent's arm settled alongside her's and Ward began stirring with her. Pretty soon, the batter was blended well enough to add the chocolate chips in. 

"Uh... thanks," Skye said as she stepped away from Ward. 

Her supervising officer simply nodded, watching her movements with an odd look in his eyes. Skye fought down a blush as she began placing globs of cookie dough on the pan that they were to be baked on. 

"Skye," Ward said softly. 

She spun around, a little surprised to find that he was standing so close to her. There was a moment of silence where neither of the two said anything. Everything seemed to slow down as Ward leaned in. His lips barely brushed Skye's when there was an amused cough from the doorway. In her surprise, Skye dropped the glass bowl they'd mixed the cookie batter in. A loud shatter filled the silence and both Skye and Ward winced. May simply gave them a bland look as she continued on to the living room.

"Don't let Coulson find out," she called over her shoulder.

AN- thanks for the great prompt. I enjoyed writing this.

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