Hello everyone! This is just a short story I wrote. I hope you enjoy it. Have a Happy New Year Everyone.
- Miyuki
(This story is written in Crystal's point of view.)
"Love, come downstairs to eat breakfast! Your gonna be late for school!" I shouted upstairs as I put breakfast on the table.
I poured juice into the glass and put it on the place mat. Okay that should be just about right. Bacon, eggs, toast, and cranberry juice.
As I heard the soft whistling of the tea kettle on the stove, I walked over and poured the hot water into my mug that was already holding the lemon scented tea bag and placed it on my place mat. That should be good now. I looked towards the stairs.
"Nathan!?" I walked towards the stairs and leaned on the hand rail. "Don't make me come upstairs and drag you down here!"
After a couple minutes of waiting, I gazed over at the microwave. The bright digital numbers telling me that it is 7:45am.
"You have got to be joking." I thought to my self. I heaved out a sigh then trudged up the stairs to my son's room. As I made it to the second floor, I looked over at the bathroom door and listened silently.
"Not even in the bathroom..." I whispered softly then rolled my eyes and walked to the other end of the hall to Nathan's room.
I put my ear on the door then slowly turned the door knob. With a loud and slow creak noise the door opened. Slowly entering the room, I silently tip-toed across the bedroom floor to where my son was.
He was at his desk with books spread across every inch of it, and the desk light on practically baking him.
I sighed. He is probably going to need some medicine this time. I went to turn around and get some medicine then stopped.
No I can get that later. I nodded to myself then continued toward my intended target. As I moved closer I couldn't help but think.
"Is this right? Should I do this?" I inched my face closer to his ear as one answer filled my mind.
I yelled as loud as I could in my son's ear. Of course in response, he woke up instantly yelling as he seemed to in slow motion make his decent to the floor.
With a loud thud, his back hit the ground. I looked over the chair at him to see if he was okay. He slowly opened his eyes then a small smile crept across his face.
"Good morning mom..." Nathan spoke groggily as he rubbed his eyes
"Good morning Nathy-poo." I said softly. "Now come on, if you don't hurry up we are both going to be late."
He turned his wrist watch around then stood up.
"Shoot! Okay get out so I can get ready..." He began to push me out of his room.
"Wait I have to put medicine on your che-"
"I'll do it mom, don't worry about it."
"But!" When I was out of his room, he closed the door in my face.
I puffed up my cheeks. How dare he! I am his mother, he can't do that to me! Can he do that? A thought came to my mind as I turned towards the stairs.
I walked back downstairs and looked at the food on the table. I totally forgot about breakfast. As quickly as I could I put the plates in the microwave to heat them up. As I heard footsteps on the creaky stairs, I hurriedly put the plates back on the table.
Nathan looked at me as he jumped off the last step. I put his plate on the table as he walked over.
"Oh bacon!" His eyes lit up and he sat down. I sat down and shook my head as I pour a little syrup n my bacon and eggs then passed it to him. Nathan picked up the syrup and commenced to drown his bacon in it.
"Hey go easy on the syrup." I began to eat then took the bottle from him.
"Fine..." He pouts then continues to eat.
I smiled then continued eating. I sighed in my mind. It's moments like this. This peace and heart-warming moment I get to share in the morning with my son. I smiled to myself then looked at Nathan who was shoving bacon in his mouth. He looked at me with his puffed cheeks which were filled with food.
"What?" he looked at me with that ridiculous face of his. I reached out my hand and placed it lightly on his head.
"Mom?" He swallowed his food then look at me worriedly. I smiled then ruffled his hair softly.
"Mom!" Nathan whined as he frantically tried to fix his hair.
I moved my hand away and picked up my mug as I watched him. I sip my tea as a single thought found it's way into my mind.
I hope you enjoyed this short story. I may even make it into a book. Maybe...

Thoughts on Life...
RandomOn New Year's Eve every year I either draw or write something until midnight. The things that I write are my final thoughts of the that year. On New Year's Eve of 2014 I wrote a mini story about a mother and her son.