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How to sum up the RB Cybertronians, except Optimus and Bumblebee

Heatwave: The angry and temperamental firetruck with a lot of character development of being the leader and older brother to Cody and his team while taking care of them himself, all the while love annoying the crap out of Kade, his partner, for fun. Even headbutting with High Tide or killing Blurr's fun with little to no regret.

Chase: The strict and rule follower police car with a lot of character development of being the rules and the law himself or just chill out with Chief Burns

Boulder: The creative bulldozer with having different character development, he's the type of bot that LOVES to learn something new and make something out of passion like painting, even he believed that friendships are like empty canvas waiting to be marked by people who are willing or not willing be friends

Blades: The brave, yet fearful helicopter with amazing character development as the years go by, his fear lessens or grows that it's really hard to depend, but his love for pop culture is undoubtedly one of the best things that throws his team off guard with references

High Tide: Being the oldest of all the Rescue Bots and being a submarine with a boat that can be bot that he controls, he likes any adventures as long they are in the water than on land, he even began to headbut Heatwave every now and then, but no one knows if it's out of fun or for shits and giggles

Blurr: The speedster with interesting character development as he was famous for winning a race, his fame was in heard of for a long time, even for the war. The development he face was really bad as he got Cody stuck under fallen debris in which he, for once feel terrible about, even saving Griffin Rock, though Heatwave sometimes likes to kill his excitement

Salvage: The skillful artistic recycling truck with little to no character development needed, he uses useless objects to make them useful, just like his alt mode says and he loves doing it, can't say otherwise

Quickshadow: Being the only femme and had arrive to teach them only to learn that they don't need her help as much as she thought they would. Heatwave would admit that he doesn't like her much because of how controlling she is than him letting his team do whatever with limit

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