Tsugumi's Birthday!

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(A/N): Starting this book off with a birthday oneshot for best girl! (Yes, I drew that lol). Enjoy!

(Y/N)'s Pov

Today was a special day today. Tsugumi's birthday!

Tsugumi was a really close friend of mine and I really had a lot of respect and gratitude for her.

I look over at the present I picked out for her that was wrapped in cute wrapping paper and bows.

"Am I going too overboard with how I wrapped it?" I ask myself. Tsugumi wasn't particularly the girly type.
But I decided to just let it slide as she'll be ripping off the paper anyway.

Whenever it's Tsugumi's birthday, we're always on summer break so that meant no school.

Since Tsugumi and I didn't really live that close to each other, it was gonna be quite difficult for me to give her the present I bought her.
We really only see each other at school or unless Raku or Chitoge call us all out to hang out as a group.

Thinking of Raku and Chitoge gave me the idea to call one of them and ask for advice.

I decided to call Raku as he didn't live close to Tsugumi either.

"Oh hey (Y/N). What's up?"

"Hey Raku. So, you know how it's Tsugumi's birthday today? I was just wondering how I was gonna give her the present I bought for her. We don't really live close so I'm not sure how to get there."

"Oh about that..." Raku began. "Chitoge finally got her driving licence so she can finally drive that car Claude bought for her birthday a couple years back."

"So Chitoge's gonna drive?"

"That's the plan" Raku said. "She'll come pick us all up, then we're going back to her place as Tsugumi is there."

"Right, I see" I said. "Thanks for letting me know."

"No worries. Get ready cause we'll be at your place soon."

"Alrighty. See you guys in a bit!"

I hung up and went to my wardrobe to change clothes.

If we were all going to Chitoge's house to celebrate, then I had to dress a little more formally than I usually do.

I had never been to Chitoge's house before, but I knew she came from a rich family so I couldn't just show up not looking my best.

I groan a little as all I see are cosplay outfits and baggy hoodies.

"Surely I've got something I can wear..."

I searched through my clothes some more before I found something that caught my eye.

It was a cosplay outfit, sure. But it still looked really pretty to me.

I take the outfit out my wardrobe and examine how I'd look in it in the mirror.

It was a dress that's length stopped at around the knees. It was a white dress with some black frills at the bottom and a big bow in the middle.

"No one will notice that it's a cosplay. Besides, it's cute!" I say to myself.

I slip on the outfit with some flat shoes to go with it.

I wasn't quite sure what to do with my hair, so I kinda just styled it how I normally do in the morning.

I was ready!

And just in time too as I hear a car's horn beep from outside.

"That must be Chitoge!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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