Sofia breaks up with edward and gets kidnaped

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Hey my love says Edward
Sofia says hello
Edward I'm really sorry but I'm breaking up with you
What why Sofia ?

Few hours later it was a school morning. Sofia was sad 😞 and approached Hugo saying hello Hugo 😔
Hello my dear
Sofia starts crying 😭 and Hugo hugs 🤗 her tightly saying sof what's wrong ? It's Edward we broke up this morning
Oh I'm kinda happy I really hated him haha
It was third period and Sofia was walking in the garden of the school and all of a sudden she gets captured and taken away from school ahhhh Sofia 😱 screams, Hugo was walking in the school looking for Sofia and he couldn't find her so he went to his class .
In class , class a
Has anyone seen Sofia and Edward ? Said mrs fauna . No miss fauna we haven't ! Weird says mrs fauna they all hear a scream saying ahhhh help me it's me Sofia someone captured m~e Hugo jumped out of his seat and said let's go save my Sofia okay said the others and they went they saw Sofia hanging up from a rope and underneath was a pit of fire 🔥 and he said let her go and the guy reveal his face haha Hugo u stole my girl what said Hugo I never did I was going to one day but why now ???? Silly prince this is girl is mine or I'll trough her in the pitch she is mine and Edward as promised
  He drops Sofia in the pitch she is falling screaming Hugo goes after her and try's to catch her but James stops him
Sofia is no longer in the pitch Hugo starts to cry 😢 n  n no Sofia stay with me where are you ❤️😔

Sofia turned onto a horse and flew pass Edward and knocked him down to death almost haha

They saw that and said what was that then Hugo said oh I know what happens look over there it was  Sofia the horse

Sofia is lying on the floor bleeding 🩸 Hugo ran up to her saying my love are you okay please answer me I beg you help someone get her parents right away

To be continued... love Jessica 475 is out !

The story of how Sofia loves Hugo ❤️❤️❤️🔐Where stories live. Discover now